
Rotate all Attributes at Once: CP_AttRotateMult – CADPower Command


The CP_ATTROTATEMULT command in CADPower for BricsCAD and AutoCAD enables users to rotate all attributes within a block simultaneously about their respective insertion points. This tool simplifies the process of adjusting attribute orientation in blocks with multiple attributes.

CADPower -> Blocks Tools -> Attribute – Related -> Rotate all attributes at once

Key features include:

  • Batch Attribute Rotation: Rotate all attributes within a block at the same time, ensuring consistent alignment and orientation.
  • Interactive or Precise Control: Specify the rotation angle interactively or input a precise angle for accurate adjustments.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Saves time by eliminating the need to rotate each attribute individually, especially in blocks with many attributes.

The CP_ATTROTATEMULT command is a practical tool for CAD professionals using CADPower for BricsCAD and AutoCAD, offering an efficient way to manage and standardize attribute orientation within complex block designs.

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