
Split Long Text Strings into Individual Strings: CP_SPLITTEXT – CADPower Command


The CP_SPLITTEXT command in CADPower enables users to split long text or MText strings into smaller individual text objects based on a specified delimiter. Compatible with BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, and ARES Commander, this command simplifies text manipulation and helps create neatly organized text annotations.

CADPower -> Text Tools -> Editing -> Split long text strings into individual strings

Split Long Text Strings into Individual Strings : CP_SPLITTEXT – CADPower Command

Key features include:

  1. Split Text by Delimiter:
    • Define a delimiter (e.g., ,, ;, or any character) to split text strings.
    • Automatically break long text strings into individual components, maintaining alignment.
  2. Spacing Factor:
    • Adjust the spacing factor to control the placement of individual text strings relative to one another for clean and organized output.
  3. Character-Level Splitting:
    • Optionally split each character as a separate text string for advanced text manipulation tasks.
  4. Delete Original Text Entity:
    • Choose whether to delete the original combined text entity after splitting, keeping your drawing clutter-free.


  • Split lengthy labels or annotations into smaller, manageable text strings.
  • Organize text for better readability and alignment in drawings.
  • Modify or extract specific text components from complex annotations.


The CP_SPLITTEXT command in CADPower streamlines text handling, making it easier to format and organize annotations. Whether you’re working in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, or ARES Commander, this tool enhances efficiency and precision in text management.

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