
Change Case: CP_CHCASE – CADPower Command


The CP_CHCASE command in CADPower enables users to change the case (capitalization) of TEXT, MTEXT, and block attributes effortlessly. Compatible with BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, and ARES Commander, this tool simplifies the process of standardizing text case formatting while providing advanced options for translation and global text replacement.

CADPower -> Text Tools -> Conversion -> Change Case

Change Case: CP_CHCASE – CADPower Command

Key features include:

  1. Case Conversion:
    • Upper Case: Convert selected text or attributes to all uppercase letters.
    • Lower Case: Convert selected text or attributes to all lowercase letters.
    • Mixed (Title) Case: Capitalize the first letter of each word (e.g., “THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CENTER” becomes “The National Geographic Center”).
  2. Process Scope:
    • Text/MText/Dimension: Apply case changes to text and MText objects.
    • Attributes: Process attributes within blocks to ensure consistent formatting.
  3. Translation Dictionary:
    • Use a custom dictionary to perform global text search and replace.
    • Replace text strings “as-is” without applying case conversion logic.
    • Define the dictionary file as a simple delimited text file with:
      • Field 1: Text/String to search.
      • Field 2: Text/String to replace


    • Standardize text case formatting across drawings for professional consistency.
    • Perform global text replacements using a dictionary, useful for corporate or project-specific terminology.
    • Update block attribute text for readability and uniformity.


    The CP_CHCASE command in CADPower enhances efficiency by automating text formatting tasks, saving time and reducing manual errors. Whether you’re using BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, or ARES Commander, this tool ensures your text and attributes maintain a polished, professional appearance.

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