
Add / Remove Redundant Closing Vertex in Polylines: CP_FIXCLOSED – CADPower Command


The CP_FIXCLOSED command in CADPower is used to manage redundant vertices in closed polylines by adding or removing the last vertex based on your needs. This command is particularly useful when dealing with closed polylines that may or may not have a duplicated first and last vertex.

CADPower-> Polyline-> Vertex Management-> Add / Remove redundant closing vertex in polylines

  • Add Closing Vertex: Adds a duplicate vertex at the end of the polyline if the distance between the first and last vertex is greater than the specified tolerance. This ensures that the polyline is explicitly closed with a redundant vertex.
  • Remove Closing Vertex: Removes the last vertex from the polyline if the distance between the first and last vertex is less than the specified tolerance, effectively simplifying the polyline.

This command helps in refining and ensuring proper closure of polylines, making it ideal for accurate geometric edits and cleanup in CAD designs.

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