
CADPower Commands

Remover Proxy References from Entities: CP_PROXYREMOVER – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_PROXYREMOVER command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander helps users eliminate proxy object references from drawings. This tool is particularly beneficial for those working with AutoCAD Civil 3D, Raster Design, or other CAD applications that introduce proxy objects, which can sometimes prevent copying elements to the clipboard or cause compatibility issues. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Remover proxy references from entities Key features include: Benefits: While CP_PROXYREMOVER is not a universal fix for all proxy-related errors, it provides a reliable solution for specific cases, making it an essential tool for CAD users dealing with proxy object issues.

Change Dimension Precision: CP_DIMPREC – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_DIMPREC command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander allows users to modify the precision of dimension values in a drawing. This tool provides greater control over how dimensions are displayed, ensuring clarity and consistency in technical documentation. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Change dimension precision Key features include: Benefits: With CP_DIMPREC, users can efficiently standardize dimension precision, improving the accuracy and presentation of CAD drawings.

Change Object Visibility: CP_VISIBLE – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_VISIBLE command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander allows users to control the visibility of CAD objects by toggling them between visible and invisible states. This feature is useful for managing complex drawings, decluttering workspaces, and controlling object display without deleting elements. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Change object visibility Key features include: Benefits: With CP_VISIBLE, users gain greater control over object visibility, improving efficiency in drafting, editing, and organizing CAD drawings.

Flip ECS of Arcs with Negative Normals: CP_FLIPARCS – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_FLIPARCS command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander is used to reverse the direction of ARC normals that are pointing in the negative WCS Z-axis. This ensures that all selected arcs have their normals aligned to the positive Z-axis, preventing inconsistencies in 3D modeling and visualization. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Flip ECS of arcs with negative normals Key features include: Benefits: With CP_FLIPARCS, users can quickly correct arc normals, ensuring proper geometric orientation and eliminating potential rendering or modeling issues in their CAD projects.

Report on Areas Covered by HATCH Objects: CP_HATCHAREA – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_HATCHAREA command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander provides a detailed report on the areas covered by HATCH objects. This tool helps users analyze the distribution of different hatch patterns in a drawing, making it especially useful for material estimation, zoning, and area calculations. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Report on areas covered by HATCH objects Key features include: Benefits: With CP_HATCHAREA, users can quickly quantify, analyze, and report hatch usage, improving efficiency in CAD documentation and project planning.

Explode Objects – Retain Object Table and Extended Entity Data: CP_XP_RETDAT – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_XP_RETDAT command in CADPower allows you to explode objects such as polylines, blocks, hatches, regions, and multi-polygons while retaining their associated extended entity data (XData) and Object Table data. This ensures that critical metadata remains intact even after the object is broken down into its constituent parts. Fully compatible with BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander, this tool bridges the gap between object modification and data preservation. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Explode objects – Retain Object Table and extended entity data Key features include: Benefits: The CP_XP_RETDAT command ensures that exploding objects does not lead to data loss, allowing for precise modifications while maintaining design integrity. Whether you’re working in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD or ARES Commander, this command streamlines the process of modifying objects while preserving associated data.

Extract from XREF: CP_XTRACT – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_XTRACT command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander enables users to extract entities from within a block or Xref with ease. This tool has been significantly enhanced in V18.02, allowing extractions even from scaled and rotated Xrefs/blocks, except for those with non-uniform scaling. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Extract from XREF Key features include: Benefits: With CP_XTRACT, managing and modifying elements within blocks and Xrefs becomes effortless, improving drawing control and workflow efficiency.

Extract Layer from Xref: CP_XTRACTXREFLAYER – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_XTRACTXREFLAYER command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander allows users to extract specific layers from an attached Xref (External Reference) and bring them into the current drawing as independent layers. This is useful when working with complex drawings where only selected layers from an Xref need to be accessed or modified. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Extract layer from Xref Key features include: Benefits: With CP_XTRACTXREFLAYER, users can efficiently manage Xref layers, improving workflow flexibility while maintaining drawing integrity.

Round Off Values from Points / Lines: CP_ROUNDOFF – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_ROUNDOFF command in CADPower provides a streamlined way to round off the coordinates and values of various objects in your drawing. Compatible with BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander, this tool ensures precision by adjusting coordinates to the desired decimal places or multiples. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Round Off Values from points/lines Key features include: Benefits: The CP_ROUNDOFF command helps maintain accuracy and clarity in drawings by enabling consistent rounding of object coordinates. Whether you’re working on 2D or 3D designs in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD or ARES Commander, this tool provides a practical solution for managing precision effectively.

Flip (Reverse) Elevations (Z) from Selected Objects: CP_FLIPZ – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_FLIPZ command in CADPower allows you to reverse the Z-values (elevations) of selected objects in your drawing. It efficiently flips the sign of Z-values for a variety of object types, making it a versatile tool for 3D drawing management. Fully compatible with BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander, this command simplifies elevation adjustments. CADPower -> Miscellaneous Tools -> CAD Procedures 1st -> Flip (reverse) elevations(Z) from selected objects Key features include: Benefits: The CP_FLIPZ command provides a quick and efficient way to manage elevation reversals in complex 3D designs. Whether you’re working in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD or ARES Commander, this tool ensures precision and saves valuable time in elevation management tasks.

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