
CADPower Commands

Quick Hatch: CP_QHatch – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_QHatch command in CADPower provides a fast and efficient way to apply hatch patterns to selected areas in your CAD drawings. With quick access to commonly used patterns and customizable settings, CP_QHatch simplifies the hatching process, enhancing productivity for CAD users. CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Quick Hatch Key features include: Use Case: Ideal for architects, engineers, and designers who frequently use hatching to represent materials, textures, or regions, CP_QHatch provides a streamlined approach for quick and consistent hatching across drawings.

Block Table: CP_BLOCKTABLE – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_BLOCKTABLE command creates a preview of blocks in the current drawing in a table format. This command helps users easily view and manage all the blocks in a drawing by listing their names and associated properties in a table. CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Block Table Key features include: CP_BLOCKTABLE is especially useful for users working with a variety of blocks in their drawing, as it allows for quick access to important block information, enhancing workflow and simplifying block management in large, complex drawings.

Layer Table: CP_LAYERTABLE – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_LAYERTABLE command is used to generate a preview of layers in a table format within AutoCAD or BricsCAD. This command creates a table that lists all the layers in the current drawing, providing an organized view of layer information for easier management and reference. CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Layer Table Key features include: CP_LAYERTABLE is particularly useful for users working with complex drawings that have multiple layers. It simplifies the process of tracking and modifying layer settings, enhancing workflow efficiency when managing large sets of layers.

Pattern Placer: CP_PATTERNPLACER – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_PATTERNPLACER command is used to arrange a block pattern inside a polygonal boundary, placing the pattern elements in a row-wise manner. This command is particularly useful for creating tiled or repetitive patterns within a defined area, such as filling a polygon with repeating blocks (motifs). CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Pattern Placer Key features include: Usage: Applications: This command is especially helpful in architectural and design workflows where repeating patterns need to be arranged quickly and accurately within a defined space.

Roughen a Line: CP_ROUGHEN – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_ROUGHEN command is used to add a randomized, zig-zag effect to a selected linear object, such as a line or polyline. This command is ideal for creating rough or irregular line appearances, often used to represent natural or hand-drawn textures, boundaries, or terrain features in design. CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Roughen a Line Key features include: The CP_ROUGHEN command is useful for CAD users looking to add an organic, irregular style to linear elements, providing an easy way to create roughened lines with a natural, hand-drawn appearance.

Draw MLEADER (with Lookup): CP_ML_CREATE – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_ML_CREATE command is used to create MLEADER (multileader) objects with enhanced functionality, including lookup capabilities. This command enables users to create multileaders with customizable text or block content that can be linked to pre-defined lookup values, making it easier to populate and manage annotations with consistent information. CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Draw MLEADER (with lookup) Key features include: The CP_ML_CREATE command is ideal for CAD users who require dynamic and accurate annotations in their drawings, offering an efficient way to create MLEADERs with consistent information through lookup functionality.

Arrange MLEADER Objects Easily: CP_ML_ARRANGE – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_ML_ARRANGE command allows users to quickly and easily arrange MLEADER (multileader) objects within a drawing, improving the organization and readability of annotations. This command is useful for aligning, spacing, and organizing multileader annotations in a structured manner, especially in complex drawings with multiple leader lines. CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Arrange MLEADER objects easily Key features include: The CP_ML_ARRANGE command is essential for CAD users needing to manage and organize multileader annotations effectively, enhancing the overall presentation and clarity of annotated drawings.

Easy 3d Face: CP_EASY3DFACE – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_EASY3DFACE command simplifies the creation of 3DFACE objects by enabling users to enter elevation values directly for each vertex. This bypasses the need for .xyz osnap filters, making it quicker and more intuitive to create 3D surfaces with precise vertex elevations. CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Easy 3d face Key features include: The CP_EASY3DFACE command is ideal for CAD users working with 3D models and surfaces, offering an efficient way to create 3DFACE objects with precise vertex elevations in a streamlined workflow.

Easy 3d Polyline: CP_EASY3DPOLY – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_EASY3DPOLY command streamlines the creation of 3D polylines by providing an intuitive interface for entering elevation values at each point. This command is especially useful for digitizing 3D paths from physical sources, like surveyed maps, or for estimating elevations based on surrounding features. It also includes an option for automatic elevation adjustment, making it easy to create polylines with a consistent vertical increment or decrement. CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Easy 3d polyline Key features include: The CP_EASY3DPOLY command is essential for CAD users digitizing or estimating 3D paths, offering an efficient and accurate method for constructing 3D polylines with customizable elevation inputs.

Easy 3d Point: CP_EASY3DPOINT – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_EASY3DPOINT command simplifies the creation of 3D points by allowing users to specify an elevation value for each point directly during the point selection process. This command is similar to the standard POINT command but includes elevation input, making it easier to define 3D points with precision. CADPower -> Draw Tools -> CAD Objects/Symbology -> Easy 3dpoint Key features include: The CP_EASY3DPOINT command is ideal for CAD users working in 3D environments who need to place points with specific elevations quickly and accurately.

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