
CADPower Commands

Detach Object Data: CP_DETACHDATA – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_DETACHDATA command in CADPower allows users to remove object data that was previously attached using XDATA within CAD drawings. This tool helps clean up unnecessary or outdated data while maintaining drawing performance and clarity. It works seamlessly across popular CAD platforms like BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, and ARES Commander, providing a consistent and reliable object data management experience. CADPower -> CADPower Object Table Data Tools -> CADPower Object Table Data Tools -> Detach Object Data Key features include: Practical Applications: How It Works: Example Scenario: A CAD designer working on a site plan for a building project attaches data like coordinates, material properties, and supplier information using CP_ATTACHDATA. When the project ends, the designer uses CP_DETACHDATA to remove proprietary supplier information before sharing the file with external stakeholders. The CP_DETACHDATA command in CADPower is a critical utility for maintaining clean, efficient, and streamlined CAD drawings in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, and ARES Commander, ensuring your design files remain optimized and free from unnecessary metadata.

Attach Object Data: CP_ATTACHDATA – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_ATTACHDATA command in CADPower enables users to attach custom object data directly to entities within a CAD drawing. This data is stored using Extended Entity Data (XDATA) and remains embedded in the drawing, eliminating the need for external database connections. The command is fully compatible with major CAD platforms like BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, and ARES Commander, ensuring efficient, data-driven design workflows. CADPower -> CADPower Object Table Data Tools -> CADPower Object Table Data Tools -> Attach Object Data Key features include: Practical Applications: Example Workflow: The CP_ATTACHDATA command in CADPower bridges the gap between CAD geometry and relevant object information, enhancing drawing intelligence in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, and ARES Commander. It is an essential tool for professionals seeking better data organization, increased productivity, and streamlined design documentation.

Consolidate Text into MText (Quick Version): CP_CONS_QMTXT – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_CONS_QMTXT command in CADPower is a streamlined tool designed for BricsCAD users, enabling the rapid conversion of multiple text objects into a single MText entity. This command functions as a quicker alternative to the existing CP_CONS_TXT command, closely mirroring the behavior of the native AutoCAD TXT2MTXT command. CADPower -> Text Tools -> Editing -> Consolidate Text into MText (quick version) Key features include: The CP_CONS_QMTXT command is particularly useful when organizing scattered text into a unified, editable block, improving text management and presentation within BricsCAD projects.

Restore Isolated Layer(s): CP_RESTORE – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_RESTORE command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander is used to restore layer settings previously isolated using the CP_ISOD command. This tool is essential for reversing temporary layer isolations and returning the drawing to its original layer state. CADPower -> Layer Tools -> Layer Tools -> Restore Isolated layer(s) Key features include: Benefits: With CP_RESTORE, users can quickly revert to the original layer settings, streamlining layer management and improving workflow efficiency.

Isolate Layer(s): CP_ISOD – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_ISOD command in CADPower is a powerful tool for isolating layer-specific data from large, complex drawings. It helps streamline your workspace by displaying only the selected layers, while freezing and hiding all others. This functionality is particularly useful when working with intricate designs or performing detailed analysis. The command is fully compatible with major CAD platforms like BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander. CADPower -> Layer Tools -> Layer Tools -> Isolate layer(s) Key features include: Benefits: The CP_ISOD command in CADPower is an essential utility for architects, engineers, and designers who need efficient layer management and clear, uncluttered drawing views.

Layer Names Manager: CP_LAYERMAN – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_LAYERMAN command in CADPower is a powerful tool for efficiently managing layer names within your drawings. This command provides a variety of operations to add, modify, and merge layers, ensuring clean and organized layer structures. It is fully compatible with leading CAD platforms like BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander, making layer management a seamless process. CADPower -> Layer Tools -> Layer Tools -> Layer Names Manager Key features include: Key Features: Benefits: The CP_LAYERMAN command in CADPower is essential for CAD professionals looking to maintain clear, standardized, and efficient layer structures across projects.

Compute Island Areas: CP_IslandArea – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_IslandArea command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander calculates the areas of islands within hatch objects. This tool is particularly useful in architectural, civil, and GIS applications where internal voids or enclosed regions need to be measured and documented. CADPower -> Inquiry Tools -> Inquiry Tools -> Compute Island Areas Key features include: Benefits: With CP_IslandArea, users can accurately measure internal hatch areas, helping to improve material estimation, design validation, and drawing accuracy.

Enhanced DIST Command: CP_DXY – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_DXY command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander extends the functionality of the standard DIST command by providing additional information, particularly for 3D point measurements. In addition to displaying the linear distance between two picked points, this command also calculates and shows the horizontal (XY-plane) projected distance. CADPower -> Inquiry Tools -> Inquiry Tools -> Enhanced DIST command Key features include: Benefits: With CP_DXY, users can obtain comprehensive distance information that includes the horizontal projection, making it a valuable tool for 3D-to-2D measurements and geometric analyses.

Quick Elevation Info: CP_QUERY – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_QUERY command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander provides a fast and easy way to display elevation information for a selected object at a picked point. This command is especially useful in topographic, civil, and architectural drawings where elevation data is critical for design and analysis. CADPower -> Inquiry Tools -> Inquiry Tools -> Quick elevation Info Key features include: Benefits: With CP_QUERY, users can quickly access critical elevation data without complex calculations, making it a time-saving tool for elevation-based CAD work.

Object Selection Browser: CP_VISIT – CADPower Command

Summary The CP_VISIT command in CADPower for BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander provides a dynamic and interactive browsing experience through a selection set of objects. This command enables users to pan through selected objects one by one, bringing each object to the center of the screen for detailed inspection. It’s an invaluable tool for quality control, error checking, and design validation. CADPower -> Inquiry Tools -> Inquiry Tools -> Object Selection Browser Key features include: Benefits: With CP_VISIT, users can systematically review, verify, and validate objects in their CAD drawings with ease, ensuring higher accuracy and fewer errors.

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