
Control Polyline Linetypes: CP_FLOW_LT – CADPower Command


The CP_FLOW_LT command allows users to manage the flow of linetypes across polyline segments in AutoCAD and BricsCAD. By enabling or disabling flowing linetypes, this command ensures that linetype patterns are consistently applied, even across short segments, enhancing the visual accuracy of the polyline representation.

CADPower -> Polyline Tools -> Others -> Control polyline linetypes

Control Polyline Linetypes: CP_FLOW_LT – CADPower Command

Key features include:

  • Enable Flowing Linetypes: Ensures the linetype pattern and scale are applied continuously across the entire polyline, maintaining a seamless appearance.
  • Disable Flowing Linetypes: Resets the linetype pattern at the start of each segment, useful for specific design requirements where individual segment distinction is necessary.
  • Improved Visual Representation: Prevents improper linetype display in polylines with very short segments, ensuring a clean and accurate depiction of the linetype.

The CP_FLOW_LT command provides essential control over polyline linetypes, allowing users to tailor the appearance of their drawings for improved clarity and precision.

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