The CP_LINE2PL command efficiently converts LINE, ARC, and CIRCLE objects into polyline objects, offering a unified polyline format for easier manipulation and editing. This command is ideal for users who need to consolidate different geometric entities into polylines for streamlined workflows.
CADPower -> Conversion -> Line/Polyline/Arc/Spline -> Convert lines and arcs to polylines
Key features include:
- Versatile Conversion: Converts LINE, ARC, and CIRCLE objects into polylines, enabling consistent handling of various geometry types.
- Polyline Type Options: Choose between creating light-weight or heavy-weight polylines, depending on the needs of your design and performance considerations.
- Streamlined Editing: By converting disparate geometry into a single polyline entity, this command simplifies the editing and management of complex drawings.
The CP_LINE2PL command enhances efficiency by consolidating various geometry types into polylines, making it easier to manage and modify designs in CAD applications.