
Copy and then Rotate: CP_CPROT – CADPower Command


The CP_CPROT command simplifies workflows by combining the Copy and Rotate operations into a single command. This is particularly useful for duplicating objects and then aligning or orienting the copies to fit specific design requirements.

CADPower -> Build Tools -> General -> Copy and then Rotate

Key features include:

  • Streamlined Workflow: Eliminates the need to perform separate copy and rotate operations, saving time and reducing repetitive tasks.
  • Precise Alignment: Allows users to specify the rotation angle after copying, ensuring accurate orientation of the duplicated objects.
  • Flexible Application: Works with any selectable objects, enabling easy replication and rotation across various elements in a drawing.

Menu: CADPower -> Build -> Copy and then Rotate
Copy and Rotate.
Scanning drawing file...done..
<Base point or displacement>:
<Second point of displacement>:
Enter base point of rotation <-420.80,185.52,0.00>: 
Rotation angle or [Base angle/Copy] <.00>: 

The CP_CPROT command is a versatile tool for CAD users, enabling efficient duplication and alignment of objects in a single, streamlined process.

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