
Draw 3d Polylines With Auto.Elev Increment/Decrement: CP_DRAWPOLYINCRDECR – CADPower Command


The CP_DRAWPOLYINCRDECR command allows users to create or modify 3D polylines by automatically incrementing or decrementing the elevation (Z value) of vertices. This command is ideal for designing 3D paths or terrains where elevation changes follow a consistent pattern.

CADPower -> Draw Tools -> Rule – Based -> Draw 3d polylines with auto.Elev increment/decrement

CP_DRAWPOLYINCRDECR: Draw 3d polylines with auto.Elev increment/decrement – CADPower Command

Key features include:

  • 3D Polyline Creation Options:
    1. Create New: Digitize new 3D polylines with vertex elevations that increase or decrease automatically based on specified parameters.
    2. Update Existing: Modify existing 3D polylines by updating their vertex elevations using an automatic increment or decrement.
  • Starting Z Value: Set the initial elevation (Z value) for the first vertex, defining the baseline for elevation changes.
  • Increment/Decrement Value: Specify the value by which the elevation should increase or decrease between consecutive vertices, ensuring consistent elevation changes.

The CP_DRAWPOLYINCRDECR command is an efficient tool for CAD professionals working with 3D designs, enabling quick and precise creation or editing of 3D polylines with automated elevation adjustments. This feature is particularly useful for topographical mapping, road design, or any project involving gradual elevation changes.

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