The CP_XP_WPL command is designed to explode linear polylines with widths while preserving their original geometry. This command converts the exploded polylines into individual line segments, maintaining the integrity of the original design.
CADPower -> Polyline Tools -> More Editing -> Explode Polylines with width
Key features include:
- Retain Geometry: Ensures that the geometry of the original polylines is retained after explosion, with the resulting lines accurately reflecting the original width.
- Flexible Layer Placement:
- Source: Places the exploded lines in the original polyline’s layer.
- Current: Places the exploded lines in the current active layer.
- Specify: Allows users to choose a specific layer for the exploded lines.
- Layer Selection: Use the “Select” button to easily pick a layer through a dialog box, with the selected layer’s name displayed.
- Delete Original Objects: Option to delete the original polylines after exploding, keeping the drawing clean and organized.
The CP_XP_WPL command provides a convenient way to manage polylines with widths, offering precise control over their conversion to lines and layer placement, enhancing both flexibility and efficiency in your CAD projects.