
Export Multiple Blocks to DWG: CP_BLKS2DWG – CADPower Command


The CP_BLKS2DWG command in CADPower for BricsCAD and AutoCAD is a versatile tool that allows users to export multiple blocks from a drawing into individual DWG files. This command streamlines the process of isolating and saving multiple block definitions for reuse in other projects.

CADPower -> Blocks Tools -> Block – Related -> Export multiple blocks to DWG

Export Multiple Blocks to DWG: CP_BLKS2DWG – CADPower Command

Key features include:

  • Batch Export: Select multiple blocks in the current drawing and export them simultaneously into separate DWG files.
  • Custom File Naming: Automatically generate file names based on block names or user-defined naming conventions.
  • Efficient Workflow: Saves time by automating the export process, ensuring consistent and accurate block isolation.

The CP_BLKS2DWG command is an essential tool for CAD professionals using CADPower for BricsCAD and AutoCAD, providing a quick and efficient way to manage and reuse blocks across projects.

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