
CADPower Features

What does CADPower offer?

  • Increased operator efficiency
  • Significant reduction in operator errors
  • Commonly required CAD tasks automated
  • Wide range of functionality – from generic CAD operations to file management, OS interface etc.

Enhance Your CAD Experience with CADPower

Access over 400+ Productivity Tools designed to automate tasks and streamline your CAD projects. Compatible with AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD & ARES Commander.

CADPower V25

for AutoCAD / BricsCAD / ZWCAD / ARES Commander

400+ Productivity Tools for CAD Automation

AutoCAD 2025-2012 & BricsCAD V25-V18 compliant. Also runs on all vertical application add-ons built on them. Pull down, tool bar, ribbons, dialog box and command line interface. Compatible with all other third-party applications.

A beta version of CADPower is now available on the ZWCAD and ARES Commander platforms also!!

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