The CP_DISPLAYLICENSEINFO command in CADPower provides users with essential details about their software license, including activation status, license type, and expiration date (if applicable). This command helps users verify their licensing details to ensure compliance and proper usage.
CADPower -> Other Function Tools -> Other Function Tools -> License Info
Key features include:
- Displays License Details – Shows activation status, license type, and validity period.
- Verifies License Status – Helps users confirm if their license is active and valid.
- Useful for Troubleshooting – Assists in resolving licensing-related issues.
- Essential for License Management – Helps track license expiration or renewal requirements.
- Works Across CAD Platforms – Compatible with BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, and ARES Commander.
The CP_DISPLAYLICENSEINFO command is a valuable tool for users who need to check and manage their CADPower license details efficiently.