The CP_3DOFFSET command enables users to offset 3D polylines both horizontally and vertically, much like offsetting 2D polylines. This functionality is especially valuable in civil engineering and other design scenarios where an offsetted polyline needs to be elevated or lowered by a fixed amount relative to the original.
CADPower -> Build Tools -> Offset -> Offset 3d polylines
Key features include:
- Horizontal and Vertical Offsetting: Create offset polylines in both horizontal and vertical directions, providing flexibility for 3D modeling tasks.
- Elevation Adjustment: Specify a fixed elevation increase or decrease for the offsetted polyline, making it useful for designing roadways, drainage systems, or other graded structures.
- Consistent Offset Creation: Works seamlessly with 3D polylines to maintain accuracy and alignment during the offsetting process.
The CP_3DOFFSET command is essential for CAD users working in 3D environments, particularly in civil engineering, providing an efficient way to generate precise offsets for 3D polylines with elevation control.