
Settings: CP_GENSET – CADPower Command


The CP_GENSET command in CADPower provides a centralized settings manager that allows users to configure and modify global operational parameters. These settings define the behavior of CADPower across BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD, and ARES Commander, ensuring a seamless user experience.

This configuration panel controls essential elements such as text height, annotation settings, precision parameters, display preferences, UI customization, and selection set management.

CADPower -> Other Function Tools -> Other Function Tools -> Settings

Settings: CP_GENSET – CADPower Command

Key Features include:

1. General Settings

Text Height (in DWG units):

  • Defines the default text height used in CADPower commands that involve text or annotation placement.
  • Ensures consistency across different text-based commands.
  • Default Value: 5.00 DWG units

Blocks/Text Rotation Angle (degrees):

  • Specifies the default rotation angle for text and block insertions.
  • A value of 0.00 keeps the text horizontal, while other values rotate text accordingly.

Beep on Error:

  • Determines whether an alert sound should play when an error occurs.
  • Options include:
    • No Beep (default)
    • Beep (audible notification)

2. Annotation and Measurement Settings

Annotation Units:

  • Allows the user to define measurement units for linear and area annotations.
  • Example: Linear: meters (m), Area: square meters (square.m).

Attach Units as Suffixes to Values:

  • When enabled, unit suffixes (e.g., “m” for meters, “sq.m” for square meters) are automatically appended to numerical values in annotations.

Text Justification:

  • Defines the default alignment of annotation text (e.g., Left, Center, Right).

X/Y Scale Factor for Blocks:

  • Controls the scaling of inserted blocks in the X and Y directions.
  • Default Value: 1.00 (uniform scaling).

3. Display and Precision Settings

X, Y, Z Coordinate Precision (Easting, Northing, Elevation):

  • Specifies the decimal precision for coordinates.
  • Default Value: 2 (i.e., two decimal places).

Distance and Angular Measurement Precision:

  • Controls the level of precision in distance and angle calculations.
  • Default Value: 2 decimal places.

4. Selection and Processing Settings

Fuzzy Search Tolerance Around Points of Interest:

  • Defines a small search radius around a point to assist in snapping or selection.
  • Recommended values:
    • For metric units (meters, feet): 0.0001
    • For geographic coordinates (Lat-Long): 0.00000001
  • Default Value: 0.00.

Maximum Selection Set Size to Store:

  • Determines how many objects can be stored in a selection set.
  • Higher values increase memory usage but allow larger selection sets.
  • Lower values optimize performance but may restrict selection history.
  • Default Value: 1000 objects.

5. UI and Interface Customization

Toggle Settings:

Startup & UI Preferences:

  • Automatically update CAD search path with install folder: Ensures that the search paths remain updated when CADPower is installed or reinstalled.
  • Force reload of CUI at startup:
    • Ensures the latest UI (menu and toolbar settings) is always loaded.
    • Can cause flickering or reopening of toolbars in AutoCAD.

Display Preferences:

  • Display Command Line Options: Runs CADPower commands in a text-based interface (without dialog boxes).
  • Do Not Show User-Interface: Loads CADPower in a command-line-only mode, removing toolbars and menus.
  • Perform Show/Hide Toolbars in All Workspaces: Synchronizes toolbar visibility across different CAD workspaces.

File & Backup Handling:

  • Move BAK Files Automatically on Save: Ensures backup (.BAK) files are automatically moved to a designated location upon saving.

Voice & Accessibility Features:

  • Enable Voice Mode for Important Messages/Errors:
    • Uses Windows speech tools to read out critical prompts and errors.
    • Useful for users with visual impairments or those working on AutoCAD versions with hard-to-read command-line text.

Shortcut and Macro Settings:

  • Enable CADPower Defined Shortcut Macros on Start: Activates CADPower’s custom shortcut macros for quicker access to frequently used commands.

6. Command-Specific Settings

Disable Specific CADPower Commands:

  • Users can disable certain CADPower commands if they are not required.
  • Commands that can be disabled include:
    • BURST
    • TCOUNT
    • BCOUNT
    • OSNAP

Highlight (Grips) of Last Processed CADPower/GeoTools Command:

  • Enables highlighting of objects affected by the most recently used command in CADPower or GeoTools.

Disable Checking for Updates Completely:

  • Prevents CADPower from checking for software updates, which may be useful in offline environments.
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