
GeoTools Commands

Annotate Chainages Along a Route: GT_CHAINAGE – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_CHAINAGE command is used to annotate chainage distances along a traverse, which must be drawn as a 2D or 3D polyline. This tool enables precise labeling of chainages at defined intervals, vertices, or selected points along the route. GeoTool -> Geological/Mining Tools -> General -> Annotate chainages along a route Key Features Include: Benefits: This tool is ideal for roadway alignment planning, surveying applications, and linear infrastructure projects, ensuring clear and precise annotation of distances along a designed route.

Create DEM Grid: GT_DemGrid – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_DEMGRID command is used to generate a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) grid over a selected surface in CAD. This tool can create a grid representation for terrain analysis and modeling, and it supports the use of BricsCAD TIN surfaces or manually input 3D face grids. GeoTool -> Geological/Mining Tools -> General -> Create DEM Grid Key Features Include: Benefits: This command is vital for tasks involving terrain modeling, earthworks, and other applications requiring detailed elevation grids within CAD platforms.

Create Contours from TIN Surface: GT_CONTOURBUILDER – GeoTools Command

The GT_CONTOURBUILDER command allows users to generate contour lines from a TIN surface. It provides flexibility in defining minor and major contour intervals and supports creating contours from either BricsCAD TIN surfaces or manually selected 3dfaces and 3D polylines. Summary des GeoTool -> Geological/Mining Tools -> General -> Create contours from TIN Surface Key Features Include: Benefits: This tool is highly effective for topographic mapping, terrain analysis, and site development, offering CAD users precise control over contour creation.

Import Elevations from Google Earth: GT_GEIMPORTELEVATIONS – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_GEIMPORTELEVATIONS command in GeoTools enables users to retrieve and import elevation data from Google Earth into CAD, allowing for accurate terrain modeling, topographic mapping, and site planning. This tool is essential for civil engineers, surveyors, and GIS professionals who need real-world elevation data integrated into their CAD workflows. GeoTool -> Geographic Tools -> Geographic Tools -> Import elevations from Google Earth Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_GEIMPORTELEVATIONS, users can efficiently enhance their CAD drawings with real-world elevation data, ensuring better accuracy and precision in GIS and civil engineering projects.

Rubber Sheeting With Google Earth Control Points: GT_GERSHEET – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_GERSHEET command in GeoTools provides a quick and efficient way to perform a 2-point rubber sheeting transformation, aligning CAD vector data with Google Earth using visually selected control points. This tool is essential for GIS professionals, land surveyors, and urban planners who need to georeference CAD drawings to match Google Earth coordinates. GeoTool -> Geographic Tools -> Geographic Tools -> Rubber Sheeting With Google Earth Control points Rubber Sheeting With Google Earth Control Points: GT_GERSHEET – GeoTools Command Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_GERSHEET, users can seamlessly align CAD drawings with Google Earth, enabling accurate geospatial integration and better visualization of real-world data.

DWG2KML – Batch Multiple Feature: GT_DWG2KML_BATCHMULTF – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_DWG2KML_BATCHMULTF command in GeoTools enables users to export multiple features from a DWG file to KML/KMZ format in a batch process, using schema-based and folder-based classification. This tool is particularly useful for GIS professionals, urban planners, and geospatial analysts who need to automate large-scale CAD-to-Google Earth conversions. GeoTool -> Geographic Tools -> Geographic Tools -> DWG2KML – Batch Multiple Feature Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_DWG2KML_BATCHMULTF, users can automate and streamline KML exports, ensuring efficient geospatial data management and integration between CAD and Google Earth.

DWG2KML – Batch 1 Feature: GT_DWG2KML_BATCH1F – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_DWG2KML_BATCH1F command in GeoTools is a batch-processing, command-line version of the KML export tool that allows users to export a single feature from a CAD drawing to a Google Earth-compatible KML/KMZ file. This tool is ideal for automated workflows, GIS data processing, and large-scale mapping projects, where selective feature exports are required. GeoTool -> Geographic Tools -> Geographic Tools -> DWG2KML – Batch 1 Feature Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_DWG2KML_BATCH1F, users can efficiently automate the export of single features from CAD to KML, ensuring accurate, streamlined, and scalable GIS workflows.

KML2DWG Interactive (Google Earth Import): GT_KML2DWGL – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_KML2DWGL command in GeoTools enables users to interactively import KML and KMZ files from Google Earth into CAD, allowing the recreation of placemarks, polygons, and paths directly in the drawing. This command complements GT_DWG2KML (Google Earth Export), facilitating a complete round-trip data exchange between CAD and Google Earth. GeoTool -> Geographic Tools -> Geographic Tools -> KML2DWG – Interactive (Google Earth Import) KML2DWG Interactive (Google Earth Import): GT_KML2DWGL – GeoTools Command Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_KML2DWGL, users can seamlessly bring Google Earth data into CAD, enhancing spatial analysis, planning, and design workflows.

Coordinate Transformation Setup: GT_COORDTRAN_SETUP – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_COORDTRAN_SETUP command in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander is used for defining coordinate transformation parameters. This tool enables precise conversion between different coordinate systems, such as UTM to Geographic (Lat-Long) or vice versa, using configurable transformation settings. GeoTool -> Geographic Tools -> Geographic Tools -> Coordinate Transformation Setup Key Features Include: Benefits: The GT_COORDTRAN_SETUP command is an indispensable tool for surveyors, GIS professionals, and engineers working with coordinate transformations and geospatial data processing in CAD.

Coordinate Transformation: GT_COORDTRAN – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_COORDTRAN command in GeoTools allows users to convert coordinates from one system to another, enabling seamless integration between different geospatial datasets. This tool is essential for surveying, GIS mapping, and infrastructure projects, where accurate coordinate transformations are required for data consistency and interoperability. GeoTool -> Geographic Tools -> Geographic Tools -> Coordinate Transformation Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_COORDTRAN, users can efficiently transform coordinates, ensuring data consistency and accuracy across multiple geospatial platforms.

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