
GeoTools Commands

Light-Weight to Heavy-Weight: GT_CONVERTPOLY HEAVY – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_CONVERTPOLY_HEAVY command in GeoTools allows users to convert light-weight polylines into heavy-weight polylines, enabling the storage of additional properties such as line width and extended entity data. This is particularly useful in cartography, drafting, and engineering designs where polyline width and additional data attributes are required. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> Light-Weight to Heavy-Weight Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_CONVERTPOLY_HEAVY, users can upgrade their polylines to support additional properties, enhancing visual representation and design accuracy in CAD drawings.

Heavy-Weight to Light-Weight: GT_CONVERTPOLY LIGHT – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_CONVERTPOLY_LIGHT command in GeoTools allows users to convert heavy-weight polylines (2D polylines with width and additional data) into light-weight polylines (optimized 2D polylines with reduced data size). This command is particularly useful for improving drawing performance, reducing file size, and ensuring compatibility with various CAD operations that require simpler polyline structures. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> Heavy-Weight to Light-Weight Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_CONVERTPOLY_LIGHT, users can optimize their polylines for efficiency, enhancing workflow performance and making large CAD drawings easier to manage

Attributes to Xdata: GT_ATT2XD – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_ATT2XD command in GeoTools allows users to convert block attributes into extended entity data (XData) in a single operation, streamlining attribute management in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> Attributes to Xdata Attributes to Xdata: GT_ATT2XD – GeoTools Command Key Features Include: Benefits: This tool is essential for CAD professionals handling metadata-rich blocks, ensuring seamless attribute-to-XData conversion for better data organization and retrieval.

Assign Contour Elevations (Manually) from Text Objects: GT_ASS_EL_TEXT – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_ASS_EL_TEXT command in GeoTools is an intelligent elevation assignment tool that allows users to manually assign elevations to contour polylines using existing text labels. Unlike GT_ASS_EL, which assigns elevations automatically based on a reference contour and interval, this command enables users to select a contour and a corresponding text object to define its elevation, ensuring precise and user-controlled elevation mapping. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> Assign contour elevations (manually) from text objects Assign Contour Elevations (Manually) from Text Objects: GT_ASS_EL_TEXT – GeoTools Command Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_ASS_EL_TEXT, users can manually map contour elevations from text objects, ensuring greater flexibility and accuracy in 3D topographic modeling.

Assign Contour Elevations Automatically (Text->Contour Polyline): GT_ASS_EL_AUTO – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_ASS_EL_AUTO command in GeoTools automatically assigns elevation values to contour polylines by extracting numeric values from nearby elevation text objects in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> Assign contour elevations automatically (text->contour polyline) Assign Contour Elevations Automatically (Text->Contour Polyline): GT_ASS_EL_AUTO – GeoTools Command Key Features Include: Benefits: This tool simplifies contour mapping and topographic modeling, ensuring accurate and efficient elevation assignments for contour polylines.

Automatically Assign Contour Elevations: GT_ASS_EL – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_ASS_EL command in GeoTools is an intelligent elevation assignment tool designed for topographic mapping, civil engineering, and GIS workflows. It enables users to automatically assign elevations to contour polylines that currently lack elevation data. By selecting a reference contour and specifying a contour interval, this command assigns elevations to all subsequent contours, ensuring an accurate and structured elevation model. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> Automatically Assign contour elevations Automatically Assign Contour Elevations: GT_ASS_EL – GeoTools Command Automatically Assign Contour Elevations: GT_ASS_EL – GeoTools Command Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_ASS_EL, users can quickly convert 2D contour drawings into accurate 3D terrain models, enhancing design precision and topographical analysis.

Assign Properties: GT_ASN_PROP – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_ASN_PROP command in GeoTools allows users to assign elevation or thickness properties to selected points, polylines, lines, shapes, blocks, or circles by inheriting values from nearby text objects or block attributes in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> Assign Properties Assign Properties: GT_ASN_PROP – GeoTools Command Assign Properties: GT_ASN_PROP – GeoTools Command Assign Properties: GT_ASN_PROP – GeoTools Command Key Features Include: Key Features & Functionality: Benefits: This tool is particularly useful for surveying, GIS mapping, and CAD modeling, where properties such as elevation or thickness need to be efficiently assigned to geometry.

Scale Z Values: GT_SCALE_Z – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_SCALE_Z command in GeoTools updates 2D polylines, 3D polylines, and 3D faces by scaling the Z-values of each vertex using a specified factor in BricsCAD, AutoCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> Scale Z values Key Features Include: Benefits: This tool is essential for terrain modeling, elevation adjustments, and CAD-based 3D transformations, providing precise control over vertical scaling in drawings.

Polyface mesh to Polylines: GT_PFACE2PL – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_PFACE2PL command in GeoTools allows users to extract and convert the edges of a polyface mesh into polylines, making it easier to work with and modify mesh-based models in a 2D or 3D CAD environment. This tool is particularly useful for terrain modeling, architectural design, and mesh-to-vector conversions, where the underlying structure of a polyface mesh needs to be represented as polylines. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> Polyface mesh to polylines Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_PFACE2PL, users can efficiently extract polyline representations from polyface meshes, improving design flexibility and CAD workflow integration.

3DFaces to polyface mesh: GT_3DF2PFACE – GeoTools Command

Summary The GT_3DF2PFACE command in GeoTools allows users to convert multiple 3D faces into a unified polyface mesh, making it easier to manage and manipulate complex 3D surface models. This tool is particularly useful in terrain modeling, architectural design, and 3D visualization, where a structured polyface mesh is preferable over separate 3D faces. GeoTool -> Conversion Tools -> Conversion Tools -> 3DFaces to polyface mesh Key Features Include: Benefits: With GT_3DF2PFACE, users can efficiently convert fragmented 3D faces into an optimized polyface mesh, improving design precision and 3D model performance.

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