Blocks Tools
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Global Attribute Editor CmdLine : GT_ATTEDIT
The GT_ATTEDIT performs global editing of block attributes as shown in the dialog box below.
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Search and replace text/attributes CmdLine : GT_ZOOMTXT or GT_ZT
GT_ZOOMTXT is a tool for text search and replace.
Search embedded text: Enables or disables checking of embedded parts of text or attribute strings.
Case sensitive: Enables or disables case sensitive text handling.
Search Block Attributes also: Enables or disables search block attribute text.
Replace searched TEXT: If enabled, the search text string is replaced with the replace text string
Interactive Replace (confirm each replace): If enabled, each replace operation will seek confirmation before proceeding.
Search for: Enter text string to search for.
Replace with: Enter text string to replace searched string.
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Extract Block attributes to file CmdLine : GT_ATTEXT
The GT_ATTEXT command extracts selected attributes from blocks along with a number of other basic properties like insertion point, X, Y scale factors, rotation angle and handle.
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Transfer attributes between blocks CmdLine : GT_ATTXFER / GT_AX
The GT_ATTXFER command transfers attributes from one block to another. You can specify the source attribute tag name and the target attribute tag name to transfer or let GT_ATTXFER do an automatic transfer of all attributes of the same name between source block and target block.
The GT_ATTXFER command brings up the dialog box each time for setting the parameters. To go directly to the command, use the GT_AX command at the command prompt.
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Transfer text strings to block attributes CmdLine : GT_TXT2ATT
The GT_TXT2ATT command is used to transfer text strings as block attributes. Using this command, you can select a block name and specify the attributes you wish to transfer. Each attribute will then be populated with selected text strings.
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Transfer attribute data to CAD properties CmdLine : GT_ATT2PROP
Description Pending
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Transfer CAD properties to Blocks Attributes CmdLine : GT_PROP2ATT
The GT_PROP2ATT command allows object properties from blocks to be transferred as attribute data.
The following properties can be transferred:
Insertion point (DXF Code 10)
Block Name (DXF Code 2)
Handle (DXF Code 5)
Layer (DXF Code 8)
Rotation Angle (DXF Code 50)
Color (DXF Code 62)
Flag (DXF Code 70)
Elevation[Z] from DXF Code 10
X Scale Factor
Y Scale Factor
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Rename block attribute tags, prompts and defaults CmdLine : GT_TAGREN
The GT_TAGREN command is used to rename block attribute tags, defaults and prompts. While renaming tag names, the command ensures that any re-positioned attributes (moved manually from their default locations) will be retained at their existing locations.
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Delete block attribute tags from block definition CmdLine : GT_TAGDEL
The GT_TAGDEL command is an block definition management tool used to delete attribute tags from a block definition and update all inserted blocks with the new block definition.
Toolbar : Blocks Tools
Menu : GeoTools -> Blocks -> Update 'Coordinates Block' attributes CmdLine : GT_UPDATEPOINTBLK
Surveyors often use a point block containing Easting, Northing, Elevation as attributes. You can populate such attributes using the GT_UPDATEPOINTBLK command.