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GeoTools User Manual
A brief history of GeoTools
What's New in V21
Getting Started
Supported CAD Platforms
System requirements
Readme File
Polyline Tools
Polyline Tools
Conversion Tools
Conversion Tools
Export Tools
Export Tools
Drawing Cleanup
Drawing Cleanup Tools
Draw Tools
Draw Tools
Build Tools
Build Tools
Annotation Tools
Annotation Tools
Blocks Tools
Blocks Tools
AutoCAD Map Tools
AutoCAD Map Tools
Extended Entity Data
Extended Entity Tools
Civil Tools
Civil Tools
Geographic Tools
Geographic Tools
Geological / Mining Tools
Geological / Mining Tools
Transmission Lines Design
Sag Template Design
Draw hot/cold/GC curves between span
Place a transmission pole in a elevation view
Miscellaneous Tools
Miscellaneous Tools
Selection Tools
Selection Tools
Inquiry Tools
Inquiry Tools
More Options
More Options
Annotation Tools in GeoTools
Create annotations at intersections
Create annotations based on layer names
Label points, polyline vertices, linear segments, contours
Labels from attached data, database
AutoCAD Map Tools
Auto-incrementing object data creation
Export Object data to ASCII files
Export Object Table Field Structure to ASCII
Topology Tools
Transfer Block Attributes to Object Table Data
Transfer Object Data between objects
Transfer Object Table Data to Attributes
Blocks Tools in GeoTools
Global attribute editor
Text to Block Atributes
Transfer attributes between blocks
Transfer block attributes as CAD properties
UTM Geo Coordinates Block
Build Tools in GeoTools
Drape 3d polyline on surface
GeoTools Object Data Management
GIS Topology Building,polygon splitting
New keyword
Offset 3d polylines, pavement design, offset by slope
Civil Tools in GeoTools
Contours, Surface Slope, Alignment
Create TIN Surface,Voronoi polygons
Irrigtation Design Automation
L-Section, C-Section, Automation
Slope Map, Survey Traverse Adjustement
Conversion Tools in GeoTools
Assign contour elevations
Attributes to Xdata
Convert arc polylines to linear polylines
Z value units scaling
Draw Tools in GeoTools
Coordinates Table
Draw embankment hatch slopes
Draw polyline from sorted polyline points
Parcel Lots Annotation
Drawing Cleanup Tools in GeoTools
Analyze and fix elevation trends
Dangle error overshoot fixing
Intersection cleanup processor
Node and Line Snap Tools
Photogrammetry data processing
Remove Duplicates
Export Tools in GeoTools
Import and export CSV Excel data
Read GML files
Extended entity data tools in GeoTools
Display XDATA from selected objects
Export XDATA to ASCII files
Search and replace extended entity data
Geographic Tools in GeoTools
Google Earth Image Import
Google Earth Point import
Insert geo-tagged photos
KML Tools
Geological and Mining Tools in GeoTools
Create borehole strata sections
Dimensional Stone
Dip, Strike and Azimuth calculations
Rose diagram, Streonet
GeoTools Readme File
Getting Started with GeoTools
History of GeoTools
Inquiry Tools in GeoTools
Compute center of gravity
Detailed drawing statistics
Island Detection
Introduction to GeoTools
Miscellaneous Tools in GeoTools
Classify elevation contours
Contour Area Table
Hatch area reporting
Insert geo-referenced images
More Options - GeoTools
Activate Deactivate GeoTools license
Load Unload GeoTools
Ordering Info, GeoTools Videos Tutorials
Readme and Installation of GeoTools
Overview of GeoTools
Polyline Tools in GeoTools
3D Join polylines, mass join polylines
Direction control of polylines, flip CCW CW
Distance and angle based optimization, weed
Find 3d intersections in polylines
Perform 3d interpolation of Z values
Polyline statistics
Slope and Distance weed 3d
Summed area/cost from polyline layers
Selection Tools in GeoTools
Filter polylines by properties
Find objects in elevation range
Smart entity selection
Supported CAD platforms GeoTools
System requirements GeoTools
Welcome to GeoTools
What's New in GeoTools V21