CADPower-GeoTools V 16.02 Update

5 new commands, 10 improvements and fixes with V 16.02 Update

Bengaluru, India

GeoTools & CADPower V 16.02 updates offers 5 new commands, 10 improvements and fixes.

GeoTools V 16.02, What’s New?

GeoTools V16.02 significantly improves support for AutoCAD 2007, 2008 and 2009 versions. The startup errors encountered in these versions have been fixed.

GT_SCALE_Z: GeoTools -> Conversion -> Scale Z values:

5 new commands

The GT_SCALE_Z command now accepts 3dface objects also for Z scaling.

GT_TRIANGULATE: GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Create TIN (Delauney triangulation):

5 new commands, 10 improvements and fixes with V 16.02 Update

Performance improvement: The GT_TRIANGULATE command can be slow when working with large data-sets.

There is now an effective workaround to handle large data-sets. If the number of points selected is more than 1000, this tool will now give you the option to process the TIN in parts.

Simply specify the number of square regions into which you want to split the entire area and the TIN will be processed part by part but the net end resulting TIN model is the same.

With this new feature, you can now process hundreds of thousands of points in just a few minutes.

Improved command: GT_PL_STAT: (Menu: CADPower-> Polyline Tools -> Inquiry Statistics -> Compute detailed polyline statistics):

The name of the default output file has been changed from PL_STAT.txt to <drawing_name>_PL_STAT.csv to relate the output to the drawing and to import the same into Excel easily.

CADPower V 16.02, What’s New?

CADPower V16.02 significantly improves support for AutoCAD 2007, 2008, 2009. The startup errors encountered in these versions have been fixed.

New command added: CP_VPEXTRACT: (CADPower -> Viewports -> Extract clipping boundary):

5 new commands, 10 improvements and fixes with V 16.02 Update

The CP_VPEXTRACT command is used to extract the clipping boundary of a viewport as a closed polyline or circle.

The extracted entity can be edited and used as an updated boundary for the next command, CP_VPBNDRYUPDATE.

New command added: CP_VPBNDRYUPDATE: (CADPower -> Viewports -> Update clipping boundary):

5 new commands, 10 improvements and fixes with V 16.02 Update

The CP_VPBNDRYUPDATE command is used to update the clipping boundary of a viewport and replace it with a new one.

A number of commands have been tested on these platforms for compatibility.

Improved command: CP_PL_STAT: (Menu: CADPower-> Polyline Tools -> Inquiry Statistics -> Compute detailed polyline statistics):

5 new commands, 10 improvements and fixes with V 16.02 Update

The name of the default output file has been changed from PL_STAT.txt to <drawing_name>_PL_STAT.csv to relate the output to the drawing and to import the same into Excel easily.

New command added: CP_CSVEXPORT (CADPower -> Export -> Export CSV file):

The CP_CSVEXPORT command is a quick tool to export columns of text data into CSV file.

The command asks you to pick selections of text entities column by column and export the same into a CSV file.

New command added: CP_BLKMAN (CADPower -> Export -> Export CSV file):

5 new commands, 10 improvements and fixes with V 16.02 Update

The CP_BLKMAN command functions in a very similar manner to the CP_LAYERMAN command and allows multiple blocks to be renamed in flexible ways using wildcards and patterns.

New command added: CP_DWGAUDIT (CADPower -> Miscellaneous -> CAD Procedures -> Second Set -> Perform drawing audit and cleanup):

The CP_DWGAUDIT command is a utility to clean up a drawing of unwanted symbol table information, temporary blocks and also offers a method to flatten the Z values of entities within blocks.

Background: Copy-Paste of entities in .dwg CAD can result in a large number of temporary blocks.

In AutoCAD, these blocks have names starting with A$ while in BricsCAD the names of these blocks look like E83KJHYTFY and similar hex names.

CP_SCALE_Z: (Menu: CADPower -> Conversion -> Scale Z values): This command now accepts 3dface objects also for Z scaling.

5 new commands, 10 improvements and fixes with V 16.02 Update