GeoTools Videos

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Browse through our vast collection of GeoTools videos and learn the tools, command-by-command -or- as per suggested workflows.

Draw dip and strike representations in 3D using GeoTools Mining & Geology (March 25, 2021)

Create Color coded slope display using GeoTools (December 24, 2020)

V2: Draw a polyline by joining points in a sorted order, now with SMARTSORT Option (2-January-2021)

Lithology Strata Builder using BLOCKS for mineral : GeoTools Mining & Geology (March 25, 2021)

Lithology Strata Builder Using HATCHes: GeoTools Mining and Geology (March 25, 2021)

GeoTools Makes It Easier with GT_NODELINESNAP: Clean your under-shoots, overshoots & dangle errors. (December 14, 2020)

Sheet-wise Management of Long Survey Map drawing (27-October-2020)

GeoTools Intersections Processor Makes Tedious network editing easier (December 14, 2020)

GeoTools Makes it Easier! Finding Intersections in a network of lines, polylines, arcs, circles (December 14, 2020)

GeoTools V21 – The 5 Minute Elevator Pitch (8-December-2020)

Create Polygon Topology Using GeoTools: Closed Polygons With Centroid (29-October-2020)

Offset Multiple Polylines Inwards / Outwards (2-December-2020)

Mirror the arc segments of of a polyline (2-December-2020)

Geographic coordinates to UTM conversion: Import-Export KML files in BricsCAD and AutoCAD (6-August-2020)

Reverse or Set the Clockwise / Counter-Clockwise Direction of a polyline (2-December-2020)

Draw Geological Mineral Strata With Standard Penetration Test Values from CSV in BricsCAD or AutoCAD (30-November-2020)

Compute and Tabulate Area Under Each contour Elevation (November-12-2020)

GeoTools V21, The complete infrastructure suite (22-July-2020)

Convert arced polylines to linear segment polylines (CADPower & GeoTools)

Draw a polyline by joining points in sorted order (CADPower & GeoTools)

How to search for GeoTools & CADPower commands when you don’t know where to find them (CADPower & GeoTools)

Polyline Segment labeling (CADPower & GeoTools)

How to install & configure GeoTools & CADPower V17 for BricsCAD (CADPower & GeoTools)

The Polyline Vertex Labeling (Annotation) Tool in (CADPower & GeoTools)

Perform linear Interpolation of Z elevations along a polyline in (GeoTools)

Civil Tools – Multiple Cross-Section generation Tool (GeoTools)

Geology / Mining: Import Bore Hole Data (GeoTools)

IMPEX video 1: Import Points from CSV into AutoCAD-BricsCAD (CADPower & GeoTools )

Interactively flip X & Y Scale factors of a block (CADPower & GeoTools)

Update Easting, Northing, Elevation, (or XYZ) Attributes of a block from location (GeoTools)

IMPEX Video 2: Import points with multiple attributes (GeoTools)

Compute detailed polyline statistics in AutoCAD-BricsCAD (CADPower & GeoTools)

GeoTools, Build, Drape a 3D polyline across a set of intersecting linear objects (GeoTools)

Set out-of-range elevation values to nearest valid elevation values (GeoTools)

GT_SPL2PL: Convert splines to polylines in AutoCAD and BricsCAD (CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_CH2D3D: Convert 2D to 3D polylines (GeoTools/CADPower) (CADPower & GeoTools )

GT_CH3D2D: Convert 3D to 2D Polylines in flexible ways (CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_CREATECENTROID: Create centroid marks inside closed polygons (CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_SPL2PL: Convert splines to polylines in AutoCAD and BricsCAD (CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_GERSHEET: GT_GERSHEET, GeoTools, Geographic, Google Earth Rubber Sheeting Tool (GeoTools)

GT_DWG2KML: GeoTools, Geographic, DWG2KML Google Earth KML/Z Export (GeoTools)

GT_PROFILE: Draw cross-sectional profile from 3D polyline (GeoTools)

GT_POLYINSVX: Polyline ‘Insert Vertex’ Tool (GeoTools)

GT_PL_STAT: Detailed Polyline Statistics Now Shows Radius, Angle, Arc Direction in CADPower (CADPower & GeoTools)

CP_DENSIFY / GT_DENSIFY: Add More vertices to polylines: (CADPower & GeoTools)

CP_REM_LINVERTS / GT_REM_LINVERTS: Weed (Remove) collinear vertices from polyline: (CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_HSQUARE: Polygon Squaring – Create right angle corners (GeoTools)

GT_ZTREND: Analyze and fix Z elevation trends in 3D polylines (GeoTools)

GT_ASN_PROP: Assign Elevation and Thickness Property from nearby objects (GeoTools)

Boost Your CAD Efficiency with GeoTools

Enhance Productivity in GIS Data Creation, Surveying and Mapping with GeoTools. Compatible with AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD & ARES Commander.

GT_LENTEXT / GT_AREATEXT: Create/Update length/area annotation (CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_ASS_EL: Automatically Assign contour elevations (GeoTools)

GT_CONTLABEL: Label contour polylines (GeoTools)

GT_ASS_EL_TEXT: Assign contour elevations from text objects (GeoTools)

GT_IDXYZ: Annotation and label picked points in flexible ways ( CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_ATT2XD Convert Block Attributes to XDATA (Extended Entity Data) ( CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_ATTEDIT Global attribute editor ( CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_XFER_OD_XD Transfer Object Data / Xdata between two objects (GeoTools)

GT_REM_XD Extended Entity Data Removal tool (Extended Entity Data) ( CADPower & GeoTools)

GT_CREATEANNOT Create annotations at intersections ( GeoTools)

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