Browse through our vast collection of GeoTools videos and learn the tools, command-by-command -or- as per suggested workflows.
Draw dip and strike representations in 3D using GeoTools Mining & Geology (March 25, 2021)
Create Color coded slope display using GeoTools (December 24, 2020)
V2: Draw a polyline by joining points in a sorted order, now with SMARTSORT Option (2-January-2021)
Lithology Strata Builder using BLOCKS for mineral : GeoTools Mining & Geology (March 25, 2021)
Lithology Strata Builder Using HATCHes: GeoTools Mining and Geology (March 25, 2021)
GeoTools Makes It Easier with GT_NODELINESNAP: Clean your under-shoots, overshoots & dangle errors. (December 14, 2020)
Sheet-wise Management of Long Survey Map drawing (27-October-2020)
GeoTools Intersections Processor Makes Tedious network editing easier (December 14, 2020)
GeoTools Makes it Easier! Finding Intersections in a network of lines, polylines, arcs, circles (December 14, 2020)
GeoTools V21 – The 5 Minute Elevator Pitch (8-December-2020)
Create Polygon Topology Using GeoTools: Closed Polygons With Centroid (29-October-2020)
Offset Multiple Polylines Inwards / Outwards (2-December-2020)
Mirror the arc segments of of a polyline (2-December-2020)
Geographic coordinates to UTM conversion: Import-Export KML files in BricsCAD and AutoCAD (6-August-2020)
Reverse or Set the Clockwise / Counter-Clockwise Direction of a polyline (2-December-2020)
Draw Geological Mineral Strata With Standard Penetration Test Values from CSV in BricsCAD or AutoCAD (30-November-2020)
Compute and Tabulate Area Under Each contour Elevation (November-12-2020)
GeoTools V21, The complete infrastructure suite (22-July-2020)
Convert arced polylines to linear segment polylines (CADPower & GeoTools)
Draw a polyline by joining points in sorted order (CADPower & GeoTools)
How to search for GeoTools & CADPower commands when you don’t know where to find them (CADPower & GeoTools)
Polyline Segment labeling (CADPower & GeoTools)
How to install & configure GeoTools & CADPower V17 for BricsCAD (CADPower & GeoTools)
The Polyline Vertex Labeling (Annotation) Tool in (CADPower & GeoTools)
Perform linear Interpolation of Z elevations along a polyline in (GeoTools)
Civil Tools – Multiple Cross-Section generation Tool (GeoTools)
Geology / Mining: Import Bore Hole Data (GeoTools)
IMPEX video 1: Import Points from CSV into AutoCAD-BricsCAD (CADPower & GeoTools )
Interactively flip X & Y Scale factors of a block (CADPower & GeoTools)
Update Easting, Northing, Elevation, (or XYZ) Attributes of a block from location (GeoTools)
IMPEX Video 2: Import points with multiple attributes (GeoTools)
Compute detailed polyline statistics in AutoCAD-BricsCAD (CADPower & GeoTools)
GeoTools, Build, Drape a 3D polyline across a set of intersecting linear objects (GeoTools)
Set out-of-range elevation values to nearest valid elevation values (GeoTools)
GT_SPL2PL: Convert splines to polylines in AutoCAD and BricsCAD (CADPower & GeoTools)
GT_CH2D3D: Convert 2D to 3D polylines (GeoTools/CADPower) (CADPower & GeoTools )
GT_CH3D2D: Convert 3D to 2D Polylines in flexible ways (CADPower & GeoTools)
GT_CREATECENTROID: Create centroid marks inside closed polygons (CADPower & GeoTools)
GT_GERSHEET: GT_GERSHEET, GeoTools, Geographic, Google Earth Rubber Sheeting Tool (GeoTools)
GT_DWG2KML: GeoTools, Geographic, DWG2KML Google Earth KML/Z Export (GeoTools)
GT_PROFILE: Draw cross-sectional profile from 3D polyline (GeoTools)
GT_POLYINSVX: Polyline ‘Insert Vertex’ Tool (GeoTools)
GT_PL_STAT: Detailed Polyline Statistics Now Shows Radius, Angle, Arc Direction in CADPower (CADPower & GeoTools)
CP_DENSIFY / GT_DENSIFY: Add More vertices to polylines: (CADPower & GeoTools)
CP_REM_LINVERTS / GT_REM_LINVERTS: Weed (Remove) collinear vertices from polyline: (CADPower & GeoTools)
GT_HSQUARE: Polygon Squaring – Create right angle corners (GeoTools)
GT_ZTREND: Analyze and fix Z elevation trends in 3D polylines (GeoTools)
GT_ASN_PROP: Assign Elevation and Thickness Property from nearby objects (GeoTools)
GT_LENTEXT / GT_AREATEXT: Create/Update length/area annotation (CADPower & GeoTools)
GT_ASS_EL: Automatically Assign contour elevations (GeoTools)
GT_CONTLABEL: Label contour polylines (GeoTools)
GT_ASS_EL_TEXT: Assign contour elevations from text objects (GeoTools)
GT_IDXYZ: Annotation and label picked points in flexible ways ( CADPower & GeoTools)
GT_ATT2XD Convert Block Attributes to XDATA (Extended Entity Data) ( CADPower & GeoTools)
GT_ATTEDIT Global attribute editor ( CADPower & GeoTools)
GT_XFER_OD_XD Transfer Object Data / Xdata between two objects (GeoTools)
GT_REM_XD Extended Entity Data Removal tool (Extended Entity Data) ( CADPower & GeoTools)
GT_CREATEANNOT Create annotations at intersections ( GeoTools)
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