AX3000 - Sprinkler Systems

AX3000 – Sprinklers: Modern Solutions for Planning Sprinkler Systems

Plan sprinkler systems quickly and effortlessly with AX3000’s sophisticated design aids. Use your familiar CAD functions to dimension the system safely and efficiently, even in complex construction scenarios, with the Easyline tool.

The constantly updated sprinkler components library ensures that your designs are logical and error-free from the start. You can also create and customize your own sprinkler types as needed.

AX3000’s powerful visualization tools are fully integrated into the sprinkler module, allowing you to view the system in color and 3D. Examine all details, including individual components, connectors, and clamp saddles.

To simplify the design process, you can define and test pre-assembly groups graphically, just as you would with individual components. This streamlined approach enhances accuracy and efficiency in sprinkler system planning.

Key Points

Designing made easy
  • Easyline single line designing
  • Library with all necessary sprinkler components
  • Define pre-assembly groups
Detailed visualisations
  • Detailed visualization of the sprinkler system in 3D
  • Detailed visualization of all connector and clamp saddle components
  • Graphic visualization of per-assembly groups
Planning pre-assembly groups
  • Define per-assembly groups
  • Graphic visualization of per-assembly groups