BricsCAD V 23.2 Update leapfrogs into a new trajectory

BricsCAD V 23.2 Update leapfrogs into a new trajectory

This mid-term release of V23 packs game-changing features, even in the Lite version

BricsCAD V 23.2 Update leapfrogs into a new trajectory​

GEOMAP command added - Live geographic map streaming now in BricsCAD

BricsCAD Live Streamed Maps Bandra Worli Sealink
BricsCAD Live Stream Map Mumbai




One of the most popular and highly requested feature by BricsCAD users since many years-  the GEOMAP command is finally here and ready to serve you BING maps. If you are a first time user, you will need to signup for a Microsoft Account and obtain a Bing key (which is easy and FOC).


You will need to set your GEOGRAPHICLOCATION first so that BricsCAD knows which part of the world to show you. It supports popular coordinates systems like Universal Transverse Mercator UTM (all zones) and the North American Datum (NAD) and a bunch of other region-specific coordinate systems as well.


The online map streaming functions are implemented and managed by the following new commands: GEOMAP, GEOMAPMODE, GEOMAPIMAGE, GEOMAPIMAGETYPE, GEOMAPIMAGERESOLUTION, and GEOMAPIMAGEUPDATE commands are introduced. The GEOMAPKEY command is introduced for user-defined Bing Maps Key.


This is a headline grabbing and major enhancement and I will write more about it in an upcoming dedicated post.

The selected area is now highlighted when SELECTIONAREA system variable's value is true.




This is a welcome improvement in BricsCAD. There are two variables SELECTIONAREA and SELECTIONAREAOPACITY which control whether the feature is activated or not, and how much of opacity you need in the highlight polygon.


I noticed that it still does not preserve the highlighting from one polygon to another, when using the Add and Subtract options. I am sure this will be improved in the next updates.

Blocks defined in external references are no longer shown in the BEDIT block selection dialog




This seems like a minor improvement, but it is a vital fix that can eliminate hours of frustration and mysterious crashes encountered by  when you pick a block from XREF and attempt to edit it in the block editor.

BricsCAD Usage Data Program

How to disable the BricsCAD login screen




QUOTE RELEASE NOTES: Added a new checkbox “Join as Guest” for the “BricsCAD Usage Data Program” dialog. If checked, no login dialog will appear.


This can be a real time-saver as well. Now, you can get rid of those pesky login screens each time you start BricsCAD.


Of course, you could do this earlier also by getting into Settings, and clicking on ‘Data driven enhancements’ -> Diagnostics and usage data collection, and choose the ‘Off’ option here.

CUI Merge




QUOTE RELEASE NOTES “After installing a major BricsCAD update, opting to copy files and settings from a previous BricsCAD installation now preserves user changes in the CUI while adding the new CUI items.”


This is again a time-saver for all those who keep making tweaks to your base CUI file. Nothing that you did earlier is lost now, with the merge and preserve feature added to CUI management.





QUOTE RELEASE NOTES “The functionality of the FINDOUTLIERS command is now integrated into the DWGHEALTH command.
We fixed a bug where the results of the Audit task were not always entirely visible.”


I am beginning to like the DWGHEALTH command. It is a combo inspector, doctor and surgeon for your drawing that advises you and also performs complex cleanup, correction and fix-up procedures. Yet another time-saver tool, that is also a darling with Bricsys support personnel while attending customer calls.

External References




QUOTE RELEASE NOTES “External references are highlighted in the drawing when they are selected in the Attachments Panel, and vice versa.”


Visual communication between what you do on the screen and what it impacts is important, and Bricsys is improving a lot in this department. This is a great feature for those working with large projects. With these features, BricsCAD is making a difference in the UI/UX departments, compared to competition from its lesser siblings.

Layers Panel





  • Enabled selection of multiple rows by dragging selection.
  • Layers panel key bindings (e.g., Ctrl+A) now work after clicking anywhere in the panel.
  • Selecting all rows by clicking on the index column header is now possible in the Qt panel. 

You have listened to the users, Bricsys! This is an oft-requested feature by those who need to manage multiple layers.




DISCLAIMER: This is not a complete list of all items in the BricsCAD V 23.2 Release Notes, neither is it the most important ones in any given category. These are simply the most important enhancements that are relevant to our customers in India, and what we know from experience that it is going to make a difference to them.

BricsCAD V 23.2 Update leapfrogs into a new trajectory

BricsCAD V 23.2 Update leapfrogs into a new trajectory

BricsCAD V 23.2 Update leapfrogs into a new trajectory

BricsCAD V 23.2 Update leapfrogs into a new trajectory