Day 1: Bricsys conference Evening Event: Walking Dinner at the Palauet

Bricsys 2014 Day 1 Conference Hosts Walking Dinner

Barcelona, Spain

At the end of the conference, Bricsys hosted us to an evening of fun, walking dinner at the El Palauet.

Some pictures from the after-event :

Day 1 of Bricsys conference Event

With Nainar and Jacek Kosiorek (CADProfi)

A Quail egg preparation served at the event

A Quail egg preparation served at the event

Some gourmet cheese, that looks like pebbles

Some gourmet cheese, that looks like pebbles

Day 1 of Bricsys conference Event was walking Dinner at the El Palauet

Rakesh Rao With Eddy Waermoes from Bricsys

With Eddy Waermoes from Bricsys

Day 1 of Bricsys conference Event was walking Dinner at the El Palauet

A Bloody Mary-base vegetarian preparation

Day 1 of Bricsys conference Event was walking Dinner at the El Palauet

Fernando Castillo & Sander Scheiris

Day 1 of Bricsys conference Event

Baby potatoes served in a very unique manner

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Bricsys walking Dinner at the El Palauet