Bricsys Conference 2013, Day 1, ODA Technical Presentation

Bricsys Conference 2013, Day 1, ODA Technical Presentation

Darmstadt, Germany

 ODA Technical Presentation

Next on stage is Neil Peterson, CTO of the Open Design Alliance giving us a brief intro of ODA, and the close working relationship they share with Bricsys, interacting on a daily basis.

Neil admires Bricsys for its transparency in operations, both literally (talked about the transparent glass cabins in the Gent office) and in its operations.

Bricsys Conference 2013, Day 1, ODA Technical Presentation

New Teigha releases planned at regular intervals.

Teigha 3.9.1 expected in December 2013. Support for Java is available since May 2013.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) within ODA is involved in developing SDKs and support for specific verticals like Civil (custom objects).

Teigha on the cloud is another initiative that was launched in 2013.

Bricsys Conference 2013, Day 1, ODA Technical Presentation

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