The reason I love to travel on work and meet BricsCAD and CADPower users is because that appears to be the most effective way to know their CAD frustrations, problems and workflow bottlenecks. Only 5% of CADPower functions have been requested to be pro-actively by email or phone, while 95% of them are enthusiastically reported and requested to me in person when I meet users face-to-face.
That is human psychology, and we know that is how it works, and this is what it takes to get the stuff into CADPower.
During my last travel, I collected a whole of inputs from users, and many are still in development, while many have already made it to the recently release V 22.63 of CADPower (and GeoTools). So, I am writing this post to summarize and report the new fixes.
The CP_CSVEXPORT command has been improved. Default file-naming experience has been streamlined. The output has been enclosed in apostrophes ” to enable correct export of data having commas.
CP_CONVERT2EXCEL: CADPower-> Export -> Convert text (unformatted) to Excel table
The CP_CONVERT2EXCEL command is still in beta and we have not yet added it to the pull-down menus or ribbon. You can access it from the command line only.
This command takes a set of disparate text objects which represent a CAD table, and export them as a CSV file. This is a work-in-progress command and we will also add the ability to create a CAD table, and an XLSX file in future.
CP_CONS_TXT: CADPower-> Text-> Editing-> Consolidate Text into MText
We have created an option to NOT ask for insertion point each time the consolidation process happens.
By default, the first selected text location is taken and the text is updated there instead of creating a new one.
This makes is faster to process repetitive text objects.
Also, the whole process has now been put into a loop, so multiple text sets can be processed in the loop without having to re-start the command again.
It is now possible to create the output from the drawing statistics command tool as CAD tables.
The CAD table will not only display the entity count statistics but also create a summary report of the diameters of all circles, lengths of all linear objects, areas of all area objects and also a special table showing polyline widths and their lengths.
The last one is in response to a growing number of our existing users who use polyline width as a means to depict different diameter, thickness or other similar properties for linear objects.
A sample of various tables created by the CP_DWG_STAT command in BricsCAD v22.
CP_MULTIPLEPDFEXPORT: CADPower-> Export-> Multiple PDF Plot
It is now possible to select a title block (in addition to closed polyline), and program will take the extents automatically from the block and generate a PDF out of it.
It is often found that users end up with blocks which have the same X and Y scales, but the Z scale is different. These are quirky blocks which cannot be exploded or managed easily. So, we have now added an option to match the equal X and Y scale factor to the Z scale factor.
CP_DWGSET: BricsCAD+ -> Support -> Drawing Settings
We have added the SHORTCUTMENU duration control to the CP_DWGSET dialog. This enables the user to control the time delay (in millisecs) between right-clicking and for the menu to get activated.