CADSOMA 2023 New marketplace for CAD developers in India

Designsense Software is pleased to be the CADSOMA touch-point in India.

As a company, Designsense Software has been one with a primary DNA in software development and solutions building. We built our first CAD plugin, GeoTools in he year 1999. We have been instrumental in the contract development and maintenance of over half-a-dozen CAD plugin software running on the AutoCAD and BricsCAD platforms. Circa 2023, we are happy to announce to you our association with the German CADSOMA portal – a single stop point for all CAD plugins.
CADSOMA (short for CAD Software Market) is a unique initiative from leading Bricsys partner Mervisoft GmbH, Germany. I met Dirk Redmer, CEO of Mervisoft GMBH in October 2022 in Brussels on the side-lines of the Bricsys Partner Summit and he excitedly shared a new idea that was fast gaining shape in his mind – to setup an amazon-like portal for CAD add-ons. Key features of CADSOMA include: sales support, automated Google ad-word marketing, lead generation and management, e-commerce payment handling, CRM and a full overview of sales history.
The ideas seemed interesting and we agreed to partner with CADSOMA that day itself.
A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then, and five months later, CADSOMA has distilled significantly, undergone several improvements, iterations and user-feedback testing. The beta version of the site has been functioning for a while now, with the engineers behind the venture furiously testing all the framework and design, as well as each and every nut and bolt of the operation.
CADSOMA is scheduled for a live launch in April 2023 and when completed, it aims to be a single-stop shopping point for CAD add-ons. It is a platform agnostic portal and we encourage plugin developers for any platform, like AutoCAD, Solidworks, BricsCAD, ZWCAD, Siemens, Creo, Revit, Sketchup and more to join us here. I would like to call out to all the software developers out there in India to join us in this initiative.
If you are a CAD plugin developer and want to reach out to global markets and gain exposure, CADSOMA is the aplce where you should be visible. In the first year, your subscription (listing fees) are waived and there is a fee to be paid only from the second year. Typically, you will recover the cost of your subscription by selling a couple of licenses of your product, and that is not hard to achieve. In return, you have a 20-50x higher exposure that is world-wide. CADSOMA actively and aggressively invests in Google-ads and similar SEO campaigns to ensure that your brand is visible to users from all countries that matter. In particular, you can expect a significantly higher exposure and outreach in continental Europe which is the home turf of Mervisoft GmbH.
There are more pit-stops in the roadmap ahead for CADSOMA. In June 2023, we will add “CAD Services” portfolio also to our list of offerings. This would open up the European and global markets for a whole of of service providers in India.
To give you some background of Mervisoft GmbH, they are an Elite Sales partner of Bricsys, and currently rank as #1 partner in the world in terms of BricsCAD sales. A significant portion of the Bricsys global revenue is earned through Mervisoft GmbH. The company works with over 200+ sub-resellers and partners in Germany and has it own ecosystem to manage its entire partner network.
CADSOMA is already being noticed, and talked about in the CAD Press. Martyn Day of AEC Magazine carried a piece about this in detail, and he aptly describes CADSOMA as wanting to be the Amazon for CAD plugins.
Banner ads welcome: If you want your brand of CAD plugins/services to be seen by a larger global audience, talk to us. We have attractive advertising options on the CADSOMA website.
CADSOMA promises to change the way how design and manufacturing companies shop for CAD plugin solutions. It provides a platform for the small and medium CAD developers to reach out to global markets.
The founders of CADSOMA bring to the table the experience and velocity to build a new solution, the passion to see it through to the end, and the financial muscle to make it happen – three attributes essential for the creation of anything new.
DESIGNSENSE is proud to be associated with this venture as its India partner.
CADSOMA 2023 New marketplace for CAD developers in India
CADSOMA 2023 New marketplace for CAD developers in India
CADSOMA 2023 New marketplace for CAD developers in India
CADSOMA 2023 New marketplace for CAD developers in India