CADPower-GeoTools V17 Crash Bug and Its Fix

Crash Bug and Its Fix with CADPower-GeoTools V17

Bengaluru, India

V17 of GeoTools & CADPower was announced a few days back and some of our users reported a fatal crash while starting CADPower V17 on BricsCAD.

Crash bug

We investigated the problem (crash report) with help from Bricsys and, as per their suggestion, we moved the CADPower support folder down the list in the BricsCAD path, instead of being at the top (first) (see attached).

This solved the problem and BricsCAD does not crash.

Crash Bug and Its Fix with CADPower-GeoTools V17

This is not a permanent solution but a workaround for now.

All V17 users of CADPower and GeoTools may please note this, if you encounter a startup crash.

The strange thing is that it happens only with certain computers and not all.

And it happens only with CADPower V17 and not earlier versions.

Bricsys support suggested that there could be something wrong with my partial CUI so I am going to re-compile it and upload a CADPower V 17.01 fix ASAP.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Crash Bug and Its Fix with CADPower-GeoTools V17
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DesignSense Software Technologies, Bengaluru, INDIA was founded in the year 2013 and is the nation-wide distributor for BricsCAD and other Bricsys products in India. We have successfully completed 12 years of representing Bricsys in India, both as a developer and sales-support point for BricsCAD.

We are also a complete CAD software development company and have created two of the most popular add-ons for the .dwg industry – GeoTools & CADPower, which run on AutoCAD and BricsCAD platforms.

We also offer CAD customization and process automation services for the design and manufacturing industry. Almost all of our industry solutions are on the CAD, GIS and BIM workflow platforms.

We help bring innovative shortcuts, tips and tricks into our customer workflow to make their core CAD design process efficient. Automation is our key mission. We look at automating every possible piece of the customer workflow to help them finish their tasks in a fast, efficient and predictable manner.

Crash Bug and Its Fix with CADPower-GeoTools V17

Crash Bug and Its Fix with CADPower-GeoTools V17
Crash Bug and Its Fix with CADPower-GeoTools V17