DesignSense Announces Micro-Verticals Teams for Focused Industry Solutions

DesignSense Announces Micro-Verticals Teams for Focused Industry Solutions

Bengaluru, India

DesignSense Software Technologies has been an all-India distributor for BricsCAD since 2014.

Right from the beginning, our vision has been to provide solutions (and not ready-made products) to the .dwg community.

We chose BricsCAD as the CAD platform and started rolling out all our industry solutions on top of it.

As a CAD design platform, BricsCAD is excellent and does not suffer from the limitations of any other software, whether .dwg or others.

However, offering a platform alone does not sell. Recognizing this long back, we invested in various productivity add-ons like CADPower, GeoTools, FormPower, BarMan. MfgPower, Mining & Geological module running on top of BricsCAD in the last 8+ years.

Today, we are proud to announce that our efforts at delivering industry-specific tools has paid off handsomely in terms of revenue as well as customer relationships and engagement.

We have been able to change the way how .dwg CAD users work. We have been able to show large corporations how to do routine CAD design tasks more intuitively and in a smart manner.

We have equipped  small and medium enterprises with solutions that enabled them to compete with the larger players and complete their projects without having to spend big bucks.

With our micro-verticals strategy, we complemented the positives of BricsCAD (like compatibility, price, stability and more) with our own productivity tools for each industry.

DesignSense Announces

Today, DesignSense has a formal Micro-Verticals team in place consisting of 5 CAD developers who churn out CAD tools for the industry, addressing the daily challenges of CAD users.

Lending support to our core micro-vertical team are our sales & support teams who front-end the customers on a daily basis and are the first to know what users miss in their CAD software, what users want and how urgent or universal is the need.

Working together with our development team, we roll out solutions which are shown as part of standard BricsCAD demos and webinars.

DesignSense Announces Micro-Verticals Teams for Focused Industry Solutions

Today, the .dwg CAD user-base is perhaps the most varied in terms of domain usage.

Right from 2D shop-floor drawings to 3D product design, survey data capture  to presentation maps & GIS, conceptual architectural models to good-for-construction drawings, .dwg is everywhere.

.dwg is today the de facto standard for design data, much like Excel or Word documents is for Office documents.

Most of the existing industry add-ons are either too expensive to implement or run on proprietary platforms.

Many others run on one single platform – AutoCAD, which makes it difficult for everyone to use.

Our Micro-Verticals software are written using multi-lingual code. We use .NET, BRX (aka. ARX for some), Visual Lisp with ActiveX, ObjectDBX, to name a few, making use of the best possible mix and match depending on the requirements.

Many of our add-on solutions run on BricsCAD Classic also. Our entire design & coding happens on the BricsCAD platform.

Thanks to the 100% API compatibility between BricsCAD and AutoCAD, every single micro-vertical product from DesignSense is automatically compatible with the AutoCAD platform as well.

Some of the micro-vertical products we offer:






Mining & Geological module

Today, DesignSense welcomes the new hires – Kevin Prasanna, Kumari Pritam, Om Narayan Singh, Prashansha Agrawal & Vishaka Gupta, who have come from different parts of India to work for DesignSense Micro-Verticals.

DesignSense Announces Micro-Verticals Teams for Focused Industry Solutions

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DesignSense Announces Micro-Verticals Teams for Focussed Industry Solutions