DesignSense Delivers BricsCAD and CADPower to your Home (or Office) in India!

DesignSense Delivers BricsCAD and CADPower to your Home (or Office) in India!

Bengaluru, India


DesignSense Delivers BricsCAD and CADPower to your Home (or Office) in India!

DesignSense Delivers BricsCAD and CADPower to your Home (or Office) in India!

After pizzas and groceries, it is now the turn of custom-fitted CAD software that is being delivered on your computer at home or workplace.

At DesignSense, we have perfected this art and can wrap it up in 10 minutes flat. By software, we mean either trial versions of BricsCADCADPower or GeoTools or the licensed software after purchase.

While doing pre-sales activities and support, we realized that it is often a challenge for many users to even successfully download and install software like BricsCAD & CADPower, our combo pack for .dwg productivity.

You need to register online, start the download(s), wait for it to complete, run the installer, perform the activation and start trying the software out.

All this may sound simple to many of you, but a huge challenge to a vast majority of others.

More often than not, users are already under pressures of daily work, and would want someone to take care of this mundane part so that they can get quickly to that familiar .DWG CAD interface we are talking about. We help achieve this is a jiffy.

Designsense Support Team will ask 10-15 minutes of your computer time and we will connect remotely using, download BricsCADCADPower and install it for you. We will also configure BricsCAD to deliver to you the most optimal user-interface and experience that you would expect to see and help you get started.

In fact, the CADPower-enabled BricsCAD startup screen has everything pre-configured for you from the point of view of what AutoCAD users expect. So, you cut down you trial and error time by a factor of 10.

The aim of this initiative is to reduce the cycle time to get you started on BricsCAD trial or on its deployment after purchase.

Monitoring downloads from the Bricsys Online Administration (BOA) and following up revealed that it takes a long time between downloads and a successful setup. Our online assistance cuts down this time significantly.

While we do our 10-minute ritual, you can do either of the following:

  • Watch the screen as we go about doing our stuff.
  • Take a break and grab a cup of coffee!
  • Check your whatsapp / FB posts!
  • Shut your eyes and relax!

All that we need from your side is permission to access your computer and a reasonably good internet connection to make it happen in 10 minutes, give or take a few more minutes.

If you are a BricsCAD user, in India or anywhere in the world, simply ping us and we will do the needful for you.

Bricsys in India:

Get in touch with us! DesignSense is the all-India distributor of BricsCAD and a technology solution company offering new generation CAD, BIM and VR experience.

Contact: Rakesh Rao, +91-9243438300 / +91-8073279755 / rakesh.rao(at)

Want to know more about about our products?

DesignSense Delivers BricsCAD and CADPower to your Home (or Office) in India!