European Companies Drive BricsCAD Sales in India: Word of Mouth Assurance Always Works!

European Companies Drive BricsCAD Sales in India: Word of Mouth Assurance Always Works!

Bengaluru, India


Creating awareness for a (relatively) new product, building the brand and finally selling it is a long-cycle task.

European Companies Drive BricsCAD Sales in India: Word of Mouth Assurance Always Works!

At DesignSense, having represented Bricsys in India since 2008 almost single-handedly, it has been a long bitter-sweet journey for us, and we have seen it all.

While the product BricsCAD has great strength, and the folks at Belgium & Romania deliver the best-in-class technical support to resolve any glitches and keep the software running, the lack of a brand value was coming in the way of getting new customers sign big checks for BricsCAD.

European Companies Drive BricsCAD Sales in India: Word of Mouth Assurance Always Works!

One major paradigm shift we observed in 2017-18 is the growing number of pro-active enquiry from CAD users.

We observe three main trends with the new enquiries:

  • Local offices of foreign companies (mainly European) who use BricsCAD in their HQ have mandated India offices to use BricsCAD.
  • Existing BricsCAD users have become more pro-active in referring to other users. Word of mouth is gaining ground.
  • Existing AutoCAD users whose perpetual license are old and creaky, not-usable any more. The need to get a new platform is pressing and immediate.
  • Existing AutoCAD users with 1,2 or 3 year subscriptions nearing expiry and not wanting to renew: instead consider BricsCAD

As businesses get more and more global with key people having worked in multiple geographies, we see a shift in the ways people are coming to us with an enquiry for BricsCAD.

It is a slow but sure growth in the confidence levels of BricsCAD across the spectrum of CAD users in India.

If you are a CAD professional and reading this post, check out the links below to experience the new  generation .dwg CAD-BIM-GIS platform that you never knew was so powerful.

European Companies Drive BricsCAD Sales in India: Word of Mouth Assurance Always Works!

DesignSense Software Technologies

DesignSense Software Technologies, Bengaluru, INDIA was founded in the year 2013 and is the nation-wide distributor for BricsCAD and other Bricsys products in India. We have successfully completed 12 years of representing Bricsys in India, both as a developer and sales-support point for BricsCAD.
We help bring innovative shortcuts, tips and tricks into our customer workflow to make their core CAD design process efficient. Automation is our key mission. We look at automating every possible piece of the customer workflow to help them finish their tasks in a fast, efficient and predictable manner.
We are also a complete CAD software development company and have created two of the most popular add-ons for the .dwg industry – GeoTools & CADPower, which run on AutoCAD and BricsCAD platforms.
We also offer CAD customization and process automation services for the design and manufacturing industry. Almost all of our industry solutions are on the CAD, GIS and BIM workflow platforms.