GeoTools-CADPower V 21.17, 21.18, 21.19, 21.20, 21.21, 21.22, 21.23 Update: Improvements to FREEWARE tools and More.

Bengaluru, India


The months of November and December have been super-hectic for us. We release eight updates since the publication of the last blog post. This post summarizes the improvements in GeoTools & CADPower since 21.16. Going forward, as we focus on the last mile improvements and fine-tuned delivery of updates, it would be only possible for us to summarize a bunch of updates in a single blog post.

So, here is a consolidated summary:

GeoTools Updates

(improved) GT_POLYLINSVX : (GeoTools -> Polyline Tools -> Process -> Polyline ‘Insert Vertex’ Tool):

The new, improved GT_POLYINSVX command interface

The GT_POLYINSVX command has been improved. It is now possible to specify the search distance for neighboring points using the screen pick method also, in addition to entering the value on the edit box.

You also select a list, the blocks from which you want to acquire the elevations.

Two small feature improvements that will make your life easier.

(improved) GT_SORTEDPOLY : (GeoTools -> Draw -> Draw a polyline by joining points in sorted order):

The new, improved GT_SORTEDPOLY command interface with the SMART SORT

The GT_SORTEDPOLY command has been improved significantly. There is a new SMART SORT option which allows you to select multiple points and join them based on not just incrementing of decrementing X values, but also on a further filter condition of matching Y coordinate values. By this technique, you can join horizontal and vertical lines automatically on a regular grid of points.

If you choose incrementing (or decrementing) X values for your joining criteria, the program will use points with equal Y values to determine the set of horizontal line points.

Similarly, if you choose incrementing (or decrementing) Y values for your joining criteria, the program will use points with equal X values to determine the set of vertical line points.

CADPower Updates

(new): CP_LEVELIT (CADPower -> Annotation -> Create Elevation levels (LEVELIT): The CP_LEVELIT command was introduced in beta mode in V 21.15. It is stable now and has also been added to the drop-down menu and ribbon interface – both the annotation and Miscellaneous tools section.


The CP_LEVELIT Main dialog

CP_LEVELIT in CADPower drop-down menu


CP_LEVELIT in CADPower ribbons

The CP_LEVELIT video

If you want to create your own level blocks, you can do so.  You just need to make sure that the insertion point is at the correct place and the elevation attribute must be named ELEVATION.

(new FREEWARE tool added) TJ: (BricsCAD+ -> FREEWARE-By-CADPower -> TJ-Text Justify): The TJ short-cut command is familiar to many AutoCAD users. It is used to change the justification of text objects without changing its physical location. We are glad to announce to you this is available in BricsCAD now via a FREEWARE command of CADPower.

The TJ command attached to right-click customization

(new FREEWARE tool added) CP_Dim-MTNL, CP_Dim-DLWT, CP_Dim-MTAL, CP_Dim-TXID, CP_Dim-TXOD, CP_Dim-DIMU: (on right-click context customization):


AutoCAD allows dimension precision to be changed from the mouse menu on a per-dimension basis. Native BricsCAD does not, CADPower does! This has been added to the right-click customization menu when dimension objects are selected.

There are also options on the context menu to move the dimension text relative to the dimension line, with/without leader etc. This mimics the AutoCAD interface where these controls are available on the mouse.

General updates to both GeoTools & CADPower

Pull-down menu response in BricsCAD:

We have made a significant improvement in the response times of CADPower, BricsCAD+ and GeoTools pull-down menus in BricsCAD. Earlier, there was a 5-6 second wait when you first clicked on the pull-down menu. This has now been reduced to about 2 seconds. Efforts are on to make it even faster.

Demand loading of CADPower & GeoTools functions in BricsCAD

We are migrating the loading of each CADPower and GeoTools function to demand loading. This is made possible by splitting the executables into separate DES files which are loaded on demand rather than all at the beginning. This is an ongoing exercise and is expected to take about 4 months to complete. In the latest build V 21.22, the demand loading has been implemeted in about 10% of the entire code and this will reduce the overall loading time by about 10%.

By April of 2021, GeoTools and CADPower are expected to load about 10x faster than now when the demand load migration will be completed.

Cracked (illegal) license versions of CADPower & GeoTools

It has come to our notice that there are several cracked license versions of GeoTools and CADPower available on the dark-web. We wish to inform you using a cracked license can cause erroneous processing results and may damage your design data. Designsense Software is not responsible for the consequences arising out of using a cracked license.

For BricsCAD in India, Contact DesignSense

BricsCAD V21: Trial download

BricsCAD Communicator V21: Trial download

CADPower V21 for BricsCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP (Linux/Mac compatible)

CADPower V21 for AutoCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP

GeoTools V21 for BricsCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP (Linux/Mac compatible)

GeoTools V21 for AutoCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP

Key Contacts: rakesh.rao(at) / +91-9243438300 / +91-8073279755

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