GeoTools – CADPower V23.13 Update

GeoTools - CADPower V23.13 Update

CADPower-GeoTools V 24.04 Update! New, improved toolbars

The last update of GeoTools and CADPower for 2022 is a remarkable one!

V23.13 of CADPower and GeoTools is our last update for the year 2022, and packs remarkable new features, improvement and fixes. Read all about it in this newsletter and make that move to CADPower – to gain the competitive edge via automation.

CP_UNCLUTTER (Re-arrange overlapping text)

CP_UNCLUTTER, Organize overlapping text in drawings effortlessly

In V 23.13 of CADPower, we improved the CP_UNCLUTTER command further, and fixed a few bugs. This tool was introduced in V 23.09 of CADPower.

The CP_UNCLUTTER command is found in the Text menu under the Editing section and uses a sample technique of moving the text around in one of the several directions – Up, Down, Left, Right, Up-Down, Left-Right, Slide Left-Right, Slide Up-Down and so on.

New options like Slide Up-Down, Slide Left-Right were added to enable rotated texts to be moved along or perpendicular to their rotation angles and the best fit location determined.

One of our large customers in India involved in voluminous editing of irrigation CAD drawings immensely benefited from this tool and have saved hours of manual work by using the CP_UNCLUTTER command. In a similar manner, a German company using CADPower found this tool an easy way to reduce the time taken to create pretty looking drawings from a mass of overlapping text objects.

This tool promises to be a game-changer in the laborious, operator-intensive CAD task of cleaning up overlapping text in DWG CAD.

Works best in BricsCAD and AutoCAD.

Download CADPower and check out the CP_UNCLUTTER command which is available at:

CADPower -> Text -> Editing -> Unclutter text objects


Improvements in the CP_IMPEX/GT_IMPEX commands

CP_IMPEX GT_IMPEX Improvements in Custom Formats

The CP_IMPEX and GT_IMPEX commands are versatile tools that help to import and export CSV, TXT and TAB delimited files into your CAD software.

We have made some serious fixes in this tool, especially in the handling of custom formats, defined by the “Other ” category during import.

The custom formats are now handled correctly, and as expected. The pattern must contain XY or EN coordinates compulsorily, and can have ignorable field(s) specified by ‘I’. Point number should be specified as ‘P’ and Description as ‘D’

Examples: PIIENZDI, IIXYII, INEII and similar

So, we have included a help section for the custom formats which explain how to define the format.

Here, I is the field be ignored and E,N or X,Y represent the coordinates, either cartesian or geographic (Long[E]-Lat[N])

Example: PIIENZDI format means that first field is point number, second and third to be ignored, fourth, fifth and sixth are coordinates, seventh is description and eighth to be ignored.

If the option ‘Specify position-based descriptions’ is enabled, the description field must be specified as [D1], [D2] and so on, to specify the location of the description field to consider.

This option is to be used when the other standard options don’t qualify.We realized that it is difficult for users to understand how to define the custom format structure.

The options to define a ‘Stacked format’ of text also has been debugged and fixed.


The command which checked for an available update has been fixed.

CP_CHECKUPDATES: CADPower More Options Check for Updates

GT_CHECKUPDATES: GeoTools More Options Check for Updates

The check for update commands now tell you whether you need to purchase an update or if it is included in your existing purchase.

CP_BLOCKINS command improved

CP_BLOCKINS in CADPower, Express block insert

The CP_BLOCKINS (CADPower -> Blocks -> Block-related -> Express Block Insert) command is an Express Block insertion tool that allows multiple blocks to be inserted at once, using certain pre-set parameters.

Now, this tool has the ability to set the rotation angle and scale factors during insertions. Additionally, you can place all selected blocks one over the other, instead of picking an insertion point each time.

CP_MODTXT command improved

CP_MODTXT command CADPower, Global Text Editor for .dwg CAD

The CP_MODTXT (CADPower -> Text -> Editing -> Globally modify TEXT/MTEXT)command is global text editor tool.

You can now specify height parameter for text editing using the ‘Show’ button, which will allow the height to be depicted on the screen by mouse pick.

Feedback, feedback, feedback....

Your feedback helps us grow. Your complaints help us grow and become better, faster than your compliments. So, let us know as soon as possible if you find something not working in GeoTools or CADPower. And, if something works as per your requirements, we would be glad to hear about that as well.

Try GeoTools and CADPower today to know why 3000+ companies around the world rely on GeoTools-CADPower to get the most out of their DWG CAD platform.

GeoTools - CADPower V23.13 Update

GeoTools - CADPower V23.13 Update

GeoTools - CADPower V23.13 Update