GeoTools CADPower V 24.12 Update raises the bar again
GeoTools CADPower V 24.12 Update raises the bar again
GeoTools CADPower V 24.12 Update raises the bar again
CADPower Updates (V 24.12)
V 24.12 of CADPower is a major interim update in which we fixed and cleaned up many tools, and made them super stable after having their performance reviewed through several of our end-user clients.
CP_CALCAREA Updates (CADPower-> Polyline-> Inquiry Statistics-> Compute summed areas of closed polylines)

The CADPower CP_CALCAREA command now handles embedded island area calculation and units conversion effortlessly
The CP_CALCAREA command has been improved significantly and a number of small bugs and glitches ironed out. There were some incorrect reporting in the table when the Embedded Islands option was enabled. This has been fixed and the alternative area units reporting has also been checked and fixed for consistent behavior.
Give this command a fresh try. You will be delighted to see the new experience. This command now is not only a stand-alone tool for advanced area computation and reporting but also the basis for other tools like CP_BUILDWALLS to collate and report their walls and fixtures areas present them in a format that makes quantity takeoff for architectural and structural workflows easier.
CP_TC (CADPower-> Text-> Creation-> Draw Quick Text (running numbers))

We have added a new option to set the text justification as soon as it is created. Based on user request, we have also started the development to enable incrementing of both the prefix and suffix also. Yes, your favorite text counter command will soon be able to increment not just your main text, but also the prefix and suffix. Clearly, there are users wanting this feature and we are waiting to make this happen for them. It will be an optional item which is disabled by default. You can enable this option to make it happen. As per our observations, just a minority of our users will want this option to be enabled.
Yet another change has been made in the way the Range Text defaults are handled. The program will now NOT present the changed start value and end values as defaults when you run the command again. We realized that this was more a nuisance than a convenience, as most users don’t get the range text sequence correct the first instance, and need to run it couple of times with the same values. Having the start and end of the range change each time would waste their time, as they had to reset it each time. We have taken care of this issue by not changing them during the program run.

Yet another improvement in the CP_TC command is the addition of a Text Boundary option. This enables you to apply an enclosing boundary around the text, like a box, slot, N-sided polygon or a circle. This functionality has been extended from the updated CP_ENCLOSE command in CADPower.
CP_CSVEDITOR ( CADPower -> Miscellaneous -> File Management-> CSV Editor) improved

The CP_CSVEDITOR command now has a dialog box. You can also specify the delimiter and import TAB or space delimited files as well. This extends the usability of the CP_CSVEDITOR command to more than just comma separated text data files.
CP_ENCLOSE: CADPower -> Text -> Editing -> Enclose Text in Box

The CP_ENCLOSE command now has a dialog box. You can specify which type of enclosure you want around your text or MTEXT objects, as well as the type of entity that will be used. The 3dface, Wipeout and Solid types are applicable only for the Box type of enclosure.
CP_CONS_TXT: CADPower-> Text-> Editing-> Consolidate Text into MText
The CP_CONS_TXT command has been improved. The source layers of the picked text objects are now remembered and the new MTEXT is created in the source layer.
CP_BUILDWALLS: CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Draw Developed Walls from plan footprint
The CP_BUILDWALLS command has been improved internally to produce a predictable and crash-free run.
CP_MATCH: CADPower -> Miscellaneous -> CAD Procedures -> First Set -> Match Properties

The CP_MATCH command has been improved. We have now added the option to match the hatch style and block scale factor also.
GeoTools V 24.12 Update
GEOL_BOREHOLEPLANNER: GeoTools -> Mining & Geological Tools -> Bore-hole sections planner

The GEOL_BOREHOLEPLANNER command allows bore-holes to be planned and placed across a polygonal area. You can also place them along manually selected polylines. It is now possible to specify the bore hole block name and its attribute directly in this command’s dialog box itself.
GT_TRIANGULATE: GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Surfaces-> Create TIN (Delauney triangulation) & Voronoi polygons

The GT_TRIANGULATE command has undergone several improvements and fixes, especially in the Voronoi diagram module. You can now draw a bounding box and trim the Voronoi polygons exactly at their boundaries. A new option to adjust the points and move them to the centroids of the polygons has also been created.
Voronoi polygons are used to determine the area of influence of a polygon. You can create these easily using the GT_TRIANGULATE command or directly on the command line with the GT_VORONOI command as well. This command has been significantly improved and fixed. A new option has been added which enables moving the points to the polygon centroids. Additionally, this tool now remembers the layers in which the points originally were, and retains them whil removed.
GT_CREATEGRADING (beta) - not yet in the menu

Creates a grading entity that will project into the underlying BricsCAD TIN surface.
This is a preview and pre-announcement of an upcoming tool, and your feedback is welcome. We hope this will grow into a useful grading tool that can perform various kinds of cut and fill slope grading of a geometry (closed pad, or a part of it) into an underlying TIN surface.