CADPower-GeoTools V 16.14 Update

Improved command with CADPower-GeoTools V 16.14 Update

Bengaluru, India

CADPower V16.14 Update

New command added: CP_POLYAREACREATE (CADPower -> Draw -> Rule-Based -> Draw closed polylines to an exact area): The CP_POLYAREACRATE command creates a closed polyline (polygon) of an exact area.

For example, if you have drawn the shape of your polygon but want to scale it up or down such that it measures to an exact area, you can use this command.

Improved command with

The command scales the polygon up or down by a specified amount until the exact area is reached. No more manual trial and error by painstaking methods.

Improved command: CP_CREATECENTROID (CADPower -> Build -> Create centroid marks inside closed polygons): The CP_CREATECENTROID command now supports SPLINEs also in addition to polylines and circles.

Improved command: CP_FIXCLOSED (CADPower -> Polyline Tools -> Vertex Management-> Add/Remove redundant closing vertex in polyline): Reporting improved. Better messaging of the actions of the program now ensures that the user is clear about how many polylines were processed, and whether the redundant vertices were added or removed.

Fixed command: CP_PL_STAT (CADPower-> Polyline Tools -> Inquiry Statistics -> Compute detailed polyline statistics): The ‘Z-Coords’ column name in the CSV file was repeated twice. This has been corrected and the column is now correctly labeled as ‘Segment Length’

General improvement: Many of CADPower commands create CSV files as output. If the CSV file being created was already opened in Excel or other program, it is locked and a subsequent run in CADPower resulted in the file not being updated.

However, there was no error message appearing so far to this effect. This has been fixed now and a error message clearly informs you of any file being in a locked state so that corrective action can be taken.

Improved command: CP_PERP (CADPower -> Draw -> Geometry -> Perpendicular Lines): The CP_PERP command now allows to draw a perpendicular line from a circle object also.

Improved command: CP_CGRID (CADPower -> Draw -> Geometry -> Construction Grid): The CP_CGRID command has improved data input.

You can now enter the angle between the two grid lines in ‘Interactive’ circular mode. Entering a value like ’20A’ creates the grid line at an angle of 20 degrees from the last line.

GeoTools V16.14 Update

Improved command: GT_CREATECENTROID (GeoTools -> Build -> Create centroid marks inside closed polygons): The GT_CREATECENTROID command now supports SPLINEs also in addition to polylines and circles.

Improved command: GT_FIXCLOSED (GeoTools -> Polyline Tools -> Vertex Management-> Add/Remove redundant closing vertex in polyline): Reporting improved. Better messaging of the actions of the program now ensures that the user is clear about how many polylines were processed, and whether the redundant vertices were added or removed.

Fixed command: GT_PL_STAT (CADPower-> Polyline Tools -> Inquiry Statistics -> Compute detailed polyline statistics): The ‘Z-Coords’ column name in the CSV file was repeated twice.

This has been corrected and the column is now correctly labeled as ‘Segment Length’

General improvement: Many of GeoTools commands create CSV files as output. If the CSV file being created was already opened in Excel or other programs, it is locked and a subsequent run in CADPower resulted in the file not being updated.

However, there was no error message appearing so far to this effect. This has been fixed now and a error message clearly informs you of any file being in a locked state so that corrective action can be taken.

Improved command: GT_ROWMAKER (GeoTools -> Build -> Make Right-of-Way/Pavements/Ramps): The GT_ROWMAKER command has been enhanced. You can now use polylines with arcs and spline objects also to create right-of-ways.

New command added: GT_POLYAREASPLIT (GeoTools -> Build -> Split larger polygons into smaller ones): The GT_POLYAREASPLIT command is useful for those who want to proportion a large closed polygons into smaller closed polygons cut to an exact target area.

This is a useful tool in land acquisition and property parcel planning and sub-division activities.

Improved command with CADPower-GeoTools V 16.14 Update

The GT_POLYAREASPLIT command mimics the manual process of trial & error to arrive at the closest area value.

You first pick a closed polyline which represents the larger polygon that needs to be splitted.

Next, you must provide two guide lines, one stationary and another that is moved in small increments in a direction that increases the area.

The entire process can be interactive or automatic. As soon as target area is reached, the program stops.

Improved command with CADPower-GeoTools V 16.14 Update