ISOTech Technologies LLC : A New Thuraya is Born

ISOTech Technologies LLC : A New Thuraya is Born

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ISOTech Technologies LLC

March 3, 2019 is a red-letter day for us.

We registered our new company, ISOTECH Technologies LLC in the sheikhdom of Dubai, a multi-cultural melting pot of the Midde East, the mecca of opportunities, and a promise for the future, that is largely going to be driven by non-oil growth drivers.

ISOTECH  LLC has been registered in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, as our mission is to be a point of presence in this part of the world – as a solutions provider for the new generation economy.

ISO mean equal and TECH means technology.

We are equidistant from many technologies, and secular in their adaptation.

Meaning we are equally conversant with technologies ranging from CAD, CAM, Design, manufacturing and Industry 4.0 – and that is what ISOTECH stands for.

A new Thuraya has been born in the constellation of new-generation companies and businesses that H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum professes to groom and nurture in the journey of new Dubai’s vision, propelled by the Expo 2020.

Inspired by this vision, we set out to launch our company as we bet on the Middle East as the next regional growth driver in the Asian /  Middle East sub-continent.

As on date, with 173 days to go for Dubai Expo 2020, this promises to be a Life-time of stories, as the key message on their web-site screams.

ISOTech Technologies LLC : A New Thuraya is Born

The Year of Zayed 2019 is also The year of Tolerance, a refreshing new thinking in the thought leadership process of the United Arab Emirates.

A paradigm shift that bodes an inclusive, accommodating and an all-encompassing vision of the regional power centers.

The Expo in 2020 follows the Year of Tolerance and promises to bring together the best of technologies from over 190 countries into one canvas.

ISOTech Technologies LLC : A New Thuraya is Born

ISOTECH Technologies commences this journey and is proud to be part of this journey in new Dubai’s transformation into the next design and manufacturing hot spot in this part of the world.

Armed with our passion, skills and HEXAGON software technologies, we are out to chart a new course guided by the beacon of hope, the Thuraya of our journey.

Key Contacts:

Rakesh Rao : rakesh.rao(@) (+91-9243438300)

Amit Dubey : amit.dubey(@) (+971-50-5013518)

ISOTech Technologies LLC : A New Thuraya is Born