GeoTools and CADPower V 15.10 Update

Major release with GeoTools and CADPower V 15.10 Update

Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore), India

I am pleased to announce V 15.10 of GeoTools and CADPower for BricsCAD and AutoCAD.

For BricsCAD  users, this is a significant release.

GeoTools & CADPower V15.10 are:

  • Compatible with BricsCAD V15 released last week.
  • Works on BricsCAD V15 Classic also

Until BricsCAD V14, GeoTools & CADPower would only run on BricsCAD Pro and Platinum. With V15.10 onwards, we are pleased to support BricsCAD V15 Classic version as well.

There are a number of other enhancements in this update, applicable both on AutoCAD and BricsCAD platforms.


CP_MODTXT: Menu: CADPower -> Text -> Editing -> Globally modify TEXT/MTEXT: The CP_MODTXT command now has an option to set selected text objects upright. Setting a text object upright involves rotating the text by 180 degrees if its rotation angle is between 90 and 270 degrees.

This is a new global text editing option now available under the CP_MODTXT command.

Major release with

CP_IDXYZ: Menu: CADPower -> Annotation -> Label points: New enhancements have been made in the CP_IDXYZ command.

Major release with GeoTools and CADPower V 15.10 Update

  • A new option has been added to set the precision from within this command itself. It is no longer needed to depend on the precision in the General Settings (CP_GENSET).
  • An option has been added to suppress trailing zeroes.
  • An option has been added to specify a suffix after each coordinate. The suffix can be added once at the end of the annotation string or after each coordinate value.

CP_GENSET: Menu: CADPower -> Settings: A new general setting has been added in the CP_GENSET command. This is called ‘Do not show user-interface’. Checking this option causes GeoTools and CADPower to load without any menus and toolbars.

The commands are all available for use on the command line as usual. This is useful for power users who may want to reduce the UI clutter and use only certain commands on command line or create custom menus that call GeoTools or CADPower commands directly.

Major release with GeoTools and CADPower V 15.10 Update


The GT_GENSET command is identical in GeoTools and CADPower. The enhancement about ‘Do not show user-interface’ explained above applies to GeoTools also.

Major release with GeoTools and CADPower V 15.10 Update

The GT_IDXYZ command is available in GeoTools also and is identical as in CADPower. The enhancements explained above applies to GeoTools also.

Major release with GeoTools and CADPower V 15.10 Update