“BricsCAD® Unplugged” – Making CAD Fun Again

“BricsCAD® Unplugged” – Making CAD Fun Again

Bengaluru, India

Making CAD Fun Again

“BricsCAD® Unplugged” is a series of live broadcasts launched by Bricsys and managed by the core marketing team of Bricsys.

The boradcasts happen live on the BricsCAD facebook page and is available on the twitteryoutube and facebook pages at any time for you to watch.

But, wait! Not everyone wants to just watch.

Many of our users wanted a small descriptive narration to go along with each of these posts and so, here we are writing a few lines on each one of these broadcast posts.

This is the first post to go.

In this first post, we get to listen to the three main Bricsys anchors of this show – Don Strimbu, VP of Communications, Heidi Hewett, User Success Manager and Matt Olding, Head of Learning and Training Resources, who are very senior CAD professionals and de-mystify and unravel the magic of BricsCAD.

Don Strimbu starts off by telling us about the basic value proposition of BricsCAD and why it is better than the other CAD systems.

In the .dwg CAD world which is littered with software from names starting with A to Z, what is it in the DNA that make BricsCAD stands tall and apart from the rest?

A couple of simple slides tell us why BricsCAD is better than all the other CADs put together.

Next up, we get introduced to Heidi Hewett, who needs no introduction to the folks coming from the Autodesk world.

Five months into BricsCAD @ Bricsys, Heidi Hewett has been bowled over.

Sitting on the other side of the fence, she confesses did not know what Bricsys was brewing.

And finally, Matt Olding is the ever energetic Learning and Training Specialist at Bricsys, who is going to bring about a major change in the way BricsCAD talks to its users.

Matt’s brief is to make BricsCAD documentation rock.

As Head of Training & Learning department, Matt Olding is churning out learning resources, videos and tutorials at a scorching pace and this is significantly fast-tracking the learning of BricsCAD by users.

Do you want to see some of his output? The Lessons and the Help  section of the Bricsys web-site has been completely reworked and this is just the beginning.

The feature focus cycle has turned a full circle at Bricsys.

The passion, zest, direction and pace with which the development team drove the BricsCAD engine from 2007 to 2018 is now being adapted by these three guys to take the brand further – this time in brand building and learning-training resources.

Great going and good luck guys!! Good luck Bricsys!!

“BricsCAD® Unplugged” – Making CAD Fun Again

Want to know more about DesignSense, BricsCAD?

  Key Contacts: rakesh.rao(at)thedesignsense.com / +91-9243438300 / +91-8073279755

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“BricsCAD® Unplugged” – Making CAD Fun Again