New commands added with GeoTools-CADPower V 17.22 Update

Assign Inherited properties, Length-Area Annotations

Bengaluru, India

CADPower V 17.22 Update

New command alias added: CP_AREATEXT (CADPower -> Annotation -> Create/update length/area annotation): The CP_AREATEXT command is a new command alias that runs the CP_LENTEXT command and does quick area annotations and shows them as text objects.

This command is a new alias and functions within the body of the CP_LENTEXT command.

Enhanced command: CP_LENTEXT: (CADPower -> Annotation -> Create/update length annotation): The CP_LENTEXT command has been completely revamped and improved. In addition to length annotation, this command now supports area annotation also, which is also exposed through a new command alias called CP_AREATEXT.

New Commands Added

The following improvements are made in the functioning of this command:

  • For length annotations, you can now use arcs, circles and splines also, in addition to lines and polylines.
  • For area annotations, you can use closed polylines, splines and circles.
  • Area annotations from closed curves can be created as text objects, or existing ones updated (similar to CP_LENEXT functions).
  • When existing text is updated with length or area values, you now have an option to append the value to the existing text. This feature was added based on user requests from many of our CAD detailing users who often want to capture a name and length/area quickly in DWG and export as CSV files to Excel.

    For example, a reinforcement detailing drawing containing the bar names and length, or bounded area names and area can now be easily tagged together in text objects (using the append option) and exported to Excel (via CSV) using the CP_TXT2FILE command easily.

    This significantly cuts down a painful and manual process of measuring each length using OSNAP and having to manually type it in along with the name into Excel.

    This enhancement is generic and is useful in a large number of CAD detailing situations in the quantity take-off department.

  • The ‘Modify length/area’ and ‘Pre-set length unit conversions’ are fully supported for both length and area annotations.
  • During length measurement of picked  polylines, it is now possible to specify whether you want to annotate the full length of polyline or length of the picked segment alone. Earlier, the CP_LENTEXT command would only annotate the length of the picked segment and not the full length.

    With this optional setting, it is now easier for the users to have finer control of the output as desired.

  • A number of other improvements have been made in the user interface and messaging for a better user experience.

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GeoTools V 17.22 Update

Enhanced command GT_ASN_PROP: (Menu: GeoTools -> Conversion -> Assign Properties):

New commands added with GeoTools-CADPower V 17.22 Update

The GT_ASN_PROP command has been bug-fixed and improved considerably.

The earlier version was designed to only work with 3d polylines and would compulsorily search for elevation objects around every vertex of the polyline.

We realized this was not practical and extended the inherit functionality to 2d polylines also. Further, the search can be performed around every vertex (suitable for 3d polylines) or near the ends (first and last point) of 2d polylines.

If you have 2d contour polylines (all with 0.0 elevations) and nearby text objects representing the contour elevation, it is now a breeze to assign contour elevations to such polylines.

New commands added with GeoTools-CADPower V 17.22 Update

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