CADPower-GeoTools V 15.16 Update

New elements added in CADPower-GeoTools V 15.16 Update

Bengaluru, India

** CADPower V 15.16

CADPower is a general purpose productivity tool for .dwg CAD. Here is a roundup of new features added in the past few days.

Bug fixes: CP_CGRID: (Menu: CADPower -> Draw -> Geometry -> Construction Grid):

New elements added in

The incrementing values of the grid numbers for the horizontal, vertical and circular grids was incorrect and has been fixed.

Bug fixes and improvements: CP_TILEPLACE (CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Place tiles / XY sized panels):

New elements added in CADPower-GeoTools V 15.16 Update

It is now possible to run this command even without assigning or saving an INI file.

The ‘Populate attributes’ option to specify the SIZE and DESCRIPTION attribute had a bug and was crashing when the ‘Fill Poly’ option was exercised. This has been fixed now.

Bug fix: CP_OFFSET (CADPower -> Build -> Offset -> Offset and delete original):

This command was broken and has been fixed.

Bug fix: CP_INOUTOFFSET (CADPower -> Polyline Tools -> Others -> Offset closed polylines Inwards/Outwards):

This command was broken and has been fixed.

Bug fix: CP_MODTXT: (CADPower -> Text -> Editing -> Globally modify TEXT/MTEXT):

The ‘Make Text Upright’ option in this command failed on certain types of text justifications. This has been fixed now.

Other minor improvements to the interface has been made to make the program behavior more predictable and consistent.

New command added: CP_CMDHELP: (Menu: CADPower -> More Options -> Specific Command Help):

This command displays online help for the specified CADPower command. The CP_CMDHELP command was announced in 15.12 but never added to the menus and toolbars. This has been fixed now.

New command added: CP_LASTCMDHELP: (Menu: CADPower -> More Options -> Display help for last command):

The CP_CMDHELP command was announced in 15.12 but never added to the menus and toolbars. This has been fixed now.

This command displays online help for the last used CADPower command.

New command: CP_BLKSLIDE: (CADPower -> Blocks -> Block-related -> Slide (move) block relative to its rotation angle):

New elements added in CADPower-GeoTools V 15.16 Update

The CP_BLKSLIDE command was announced in V 15.12 but never added to the menus and toolbars. It has been fixed now.

New command:  CP_LINE2XLINE (CADPower -> Conversion-> Lines/Polyline/Arc/Splines-> Line 2 XLINE:

The CP_LINE2XLINE command was announced in V 14.27 but never added to the menus and toolbars. It has been fixed now.

New command: CP_LINEEQ (CADPower -> Draw -> Geometry -> Equation of a Line):

The CP_LINEEQ command was announced in V 14.27 but never activated in the V15 build.

It has now been included, activated and also the reporting of the program parameters and results have been improved.

The CP_LINEEQ command is for your kids, or for a one-off mathematical task. It plots the equation of a line as per the formula y=mX + B.

You have to specify the values for the constants M and B, the start and end limits for your X values, and an increment value for X.

The equation of the line is plotted as a polyline, and is labeled with the equation parameters y=mX + b.

New elements added in CADPower-GeoTools V 15.16 Update