GeoTools-CADPower V 15.12 Update

New updates and commands with GeoTools-CADPower V 15.12

Bengaluru, India

** CADPower V 15.12

CADPower is a general purpose productivity tool for .dwg CAD.

Our constant interaction with .dwg CAD  users across the globe gives us many new ideas to add into our software to improve its usefulness further.

Here is a roundup of new features added in the past few days.

New command added: CP_BLKSLIDE: Menu: CADPower -> Blocks -> Block-related -> Slide (move) block relative to its rotation angle:

New updates and commands with

The CP_BLKSLIDE dialog box interface

The CP_BLKSLIDE command is very similar to CP_TXTSLIDE command which performs the same operation on text objects.

It can be used to move blocks in a direction which is relative to the rotation angle.

This command can be used in various imaginative ways and to achieve several editing requirements.

For instances, this command can be used to increase or decrease the spacing between blocks and adjoining features by moving them in a specified direction.

New updates and commands with GeoTools-CADPower V 15.12

Sliding a block in the direction of its rotation angle, possibly easily only with CP_BLKSLIDE

Enhancement: CP_TXTROUND: Menu: CADPower -> Text -> Editing -> Round Off numeric text:

New updates and commands with GeoTools-CADPower V 15.12

A small convenience option, but a huge boon for those who need exactly this.

An option has been added to suppress trailing zeroes.

Enhancement: The CP_TOOLHIDE and CP_TOOLSHOW commands can now (optionally) show and hide toolbars in all workspaces, not just the current workspace.

This command is applicable in all AutoCAD 2010+ and BricsCAD V15 versions only. You must set the option to show/hide toolbars in all workspaces using the CP_GENSET command (Menu: CADPower->Settings)

New updates and commands with GeoTools-CADPower V 15.12

New command added: CP_CMDHELP: (Menu: CADPower -> More Options -> Specific Command Help): This command displays online help for the specified CADPower command.

New command added: CP_LASTCMDHELP: (Menu: CADPower -> More Options -> Display help for last command): This command displays online help for the last used CADPower command.

New command added: CP_CGRID: (Menu: CADPower -> Draw -> Geometry -> Construction Grid):

New updates and commands with GeoTools-CADPower V 15.12

The CP_CGRID user-interface

The CP_CGRID command creates a construction grid with labels.

The command has options to create a horizontal, vertical, inclined or bi-directional grid interactively (at pick points) or automatically (to fill a rectangular space).

New updates and commands with GeoTools-CADPower V 15.12

Some sample grids created with CP_CGRID (this is something CAD  users require almost everyday)

** GeoTools V 15.12

The GT_TOOLHIDE and GT_TOOLSHOW commands can now (optionally) show and hide toolbars in all workspaces, not just the current workspace.

This command is applicable in all AutoCAD 2010+ and BricsCAD V15 versions only. You must set the option to show/hide toolbars in all workspaces using the GT_GENSET command (Menu: GeoTools->Settings)

New command added: GT_CMDHELP: (Menu: GeoTools -> More Options -> Specific Command Help): This command displays online help for the specified CADPower command.

New command added: GT_LASTCMDHELP: (Menu: GeoTools -> More Options -> Display help for last command): This command displays online help for the last used CADPower command.

New updates and commands with GeoTools-CADPower V 15.12