GeoTools-CADPower Newsletter (Nov 24, 2021), V 22.32 Update, now BricsCAD V22 compatible

GeoTools-CADPower V 22.32 Update

Important message from Rakesh Rao

The past few weeks have been extremely hectic for us, and you probably would have noticed there were no emails from us concerning GeoTools and CADPower for some time.


We made many internal changes; we moved away from Google newsgroups to an email delivery service from . We hope this would give our users a better experience and the ability to connect with us and receive updates easily.


Often, emails from an unknown sender end up in the spam folder. It is likely that this email may also go to spam. Please right-click on the message in your spam folder and indicate to your email software that this is not spam. This will ensure that future emails will come in correctly into your InBox.


The last e-newsletter that was sent out from our google newsgroup was probably the announcement of V 22.21. After that, we have been quite active on the development front and released a few minor (but important) updates, and finally, we released V 22.30 recently to indicate our support for the recently released BricsCAD V22.


The current version of GeoTools and CADPower is V22.32


The GeoTools-CADPower V22 life-cycle

In V22 of GeoTools and CADPower, we made a significant change in the life-cycle of the product. We released V22 in April this year, as usual, to coincide with the release of the AutoCAD 2022 version.


This is the pattern we have been following since 1999, and it is going to change. The V23 release will happen in October 2022, which means we are in a 18-month life-cycle product; we still have 11 months to go until V23 release.


The October release date is now set to coincide with the release of a major numbered version of BricsCAD, which now happens to be our fastest growing platform for GeoTools and CADPower.


I call upon all pre-V22 users to take this opportunity to upgrade to V22. We are offering a special deal EUR 99 for a limited period for users wanting to come over from an earlier version to the current version. Contact m

Two New CAD platforms Added - ZWCAD and ARES Commander

GeoTools and CADPower are now available on ZWCAD and Graebert’s ARES Commander platforms also.


If you wish to participate in the beta testing program for these platforms, do let me know.

CADPower & GeoTools V 22.32 Update

CADPower & GeoTools V 22.32 is now compatible with BricsCAD V22.


We have also added a huge number of improvements in CADPower, especially for BricsCAD users wanting to switch from OtherCAD to BricsCAD.


More about this will be described below.

GEOL_STRATABUILDER (GeoTools) command improved

The GEOL_STRATABUILDER command in GeoTools (Geotools → Mining & Geology → is a comprehensive tool for read strata information from CSV files and depicting them in a vertical cross-section mode.


This tool has been strengthened further with a number of checks and balances in the reading of data from CSV columns. This ensures that first time users are better informed of the possible errors in the data or in the data entry settings


CP_DWGSET command in CADPower

Fast-tracking the migration from AutoCAD

The CP_DWGSET command (BricsCAD+ → Support → Drawing settings) has been helping new (as well as existing) BricsCAD users to find their bearings in BricsCAD easily.

It provides a dashboard of commonly asked settings that first time BricsCAD users want to know and find it difficult to find.

We added a number of new features in this command recently

            • Fade controls, settings for LAYER fade, XREF fade, REFEDIT fade
            • Angle control, set angle direction and cw / ccw control
            •  Drafting controls: set PICKBOX, APERTURE, GRIP size, CURSOR size, SNAP marker easily
            • Enable/disable right-click menu
            • Control snapping withing hatches and blocks
            • Define drawing units, dimension units, save/clipboard formats
            • Allow CADPower-managed toolbar control

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