Real World BricsCAD Case Study – Schrack Seconet Part 6 (A Bricsys Blog Repost)

Real World BricsCAD Case Study – Schrack Seconet Part 6 (A Bricsys Blog Repost)

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Real World BricsCAD Case Study

Real World BricsCAD – Schrack Seconet Part 6 Steve Johnson

February 15, 2019

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3 min read

In this post I conclude the interview CAD guy Martin Harrer and IT guy Germar Tischler from Austrian fire alarm, security and communications systems company Schrack Seconet by asking them to sum up their experience with BricsCAD.

See here for Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 and Part 5.


Overall, how would you summarise your experience with using BricsCAD?

Martin: It does the job we expect it to, without major hassles. It’s software, so…

Germar: …there will be a problem here or there. Like with every program.

Martin: We haven’t had any show-stoppers in the last ten years. We were laughed at in the beginning, I remember, really laughed at! But now I know companies that are changing over, seventy licenses all at once.

We’re using it for 2D drawings and I think it’s better than AutoCAD®.

Germar: It’s sleek and we have good stability. We haven’t had a version where we’ve gone, “OMG, we can’t work!”

Martin: We haven’t had a bad release.

Germar: Every time we have a new release and try it out Martin’s very happy because it’s, “Oh look, they fixed this” – maybe there might be something small and niggly but I think barely ever.

Martin: There’s always something because the program that doesn’t crash hasn’t been invented yet.

Germar: There are plenty of other programs that crash more often!

Martin: We’ve never produced a blue screen with this.

Germar: Never. I’ve never heard of one.

Martin: And of course if something doesn’t work there’s the support.

Germar: And the support has always worked well for us.

So from an IT perspective…?

Germar: We’re very happy with it. Very happy. I’m pretty sure we’re also very happy with the cost, and the licensing as well. That was one of the big reasons why we swapped as well.

It does the job. We use it a lot. We use it in all of our branch offices, and I’ve never visited a branch office and had somebody complain about BricsCAD. Never. Never once.

And I can’t say that about every program we use in our company.

Martin: Very happy. In the beginning, we were like underdogs. We weren’t taken seriously. Does it read .dwgs? Does it produce good .dwgs? There was a time when we didn’t mention that we worked with BricsCAD.

We just sent out .dwgs and saw that it worked. I had a little nervous stomach flu when it first went out.

Real World BricsCAD Case Study – Schrack Seconet Part 6 (A Bricsys Blog Repost)

Germar: But that was in the transition phase.

Martin: When I saw that the users could work with it without major problems, and the product – the .dwg file – was accepted without major problems with the customers, I was happy. It was go!

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Real World BricsCAD Case Study – Schrack Seconet Part 6 (A Bricsys Blog Repost)

Steve Johnson

Steve Johnson, owner of cad nauseam, has been a CAD specialist since 1985.

His roles have included CAD management, development, consulting and technical writing. Steve has also been a contributing editor for Cadalyst magazine, President of the Western Australian AutoCAD User Group, and a Vice President of CADLock, Inc. He is also an international veteran fencing champion.

Real World BricsCAD Case Study – Schrack Seconet Part 6 (A Bricsys Blog Repost)