GeoTools-CADPower V 15.19 Update

Roundup of new features added in GeoTools-CADPower V 15.19 Update

Bengaluru, India

CADPower is a general purpose productivity tool for .dwg CAD.

GeoTools is a productivity software for geographic data users, benefitting mapping, surveying, facilities management and GIS-CAD users.

Here is a roundup of new features added in V 15.19 Update.

** GeoTools V 15.19

Command enabled for BricsCAD: CP_FIXUCS: (CADPower-> Polyline Tools -> Others -> Fix lines/polylines with different UCS): This command was disabled and not functional in BricsCAD. It has now been enabled.

Roundup of new features

The CP_FIXUCS has been enhanced as well. This now allows entities which have been created or placed in a different non-parallel UCS to be brought back to the WCS.

All efforts are made to reposition entities at the same physical position as before.

However, it is possible that some entities may not always map back correctly.

Use your judgement and discretion to accept the results of this tool. Currently, lines, polylines and text objects are supported and can be transformed from UCS to WCS.

Roundup of new features added in GeoTools-CADPower V 15.19 Update

Minor Enhancement: CP_XP_ATT (CADPower -> Blocks -> Block-related -> Explode Block- Retain attributes as Text): The CP_XP_ATT command has been improved.

The attributes which are recreated as text objects are now placed in front (using DRAWORDER) after the command has run.

This gives better visual look (especially when using raster images for tiles) after the program has run and is most likely what people want to see as the desired output.

Minor Enhancement: CP_TILEPLACE (CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Place tiles / XY sized panels): The CP_TILEPLACE command has been improved.

The boundary polyline is now placed in front (using DRAWORDER) after the command has run.

This gives better visual look (especially when using raster images for tiles) after the program has run and is most likely what people want to see as the desired output.

** GeoTools V 15.19

Roundup of new features added in GeoTools-CADPower V 15.19 Update

Command enabled for BricsCAD: GT_FIXUCS: (GeoTools -> Polyline Tools -> Others -> Fix lines/polylines with different UCS): This command was disabled and not functional in BricsCAD. It has now been enabled.

Roundup of new features added in GeoTools-CADPower V 15.19 Update

The CP_FIXUCS command allows entities which have been created or placed in a different non-parallel UCS to be brought back to the WCS.

All efforts are made to reposition the entities at the same physical position as before. However, it is possible that some entities may not always map back correctly.

New command added: GT_KML2DWG (GeoTools -> Geographic Tools -> KML2DWG (Google Import)): The GT_KML2DWG command complements the GT_DWG2KML(Google Export) tool. In its first version now, the GT_KML2DWG command reads KML or KMZ files generated by Google Earth and recreates placemark points, polygons and paths in the drawing.

The objects are placed in the drawing in the same units as those that exist in the KML/Z file.

With this command, it is now possible to do a complete round-trip of information from CAD to Google Earth and back.

The GT_DWG2KML command is used to export dwg entities to KML/Z format which can be opened in Google Earth.

At this point in time, not coordinate conversion of database import is possible.

Watch out for future updates of this command which will enable these functions and add more functionality to the tool.

Please do feel free to give me your feedback and evaluation report, Wishlist about how we can improve this command for you.

Roundup of new features added in GeoTools-CADPower V 15.19 Update