CADPower V 14.27 Update: Seach Entity Handles, Image Editing and More…

Search Entity Handles, Image Editing and More with CADPower V 14.27 Update

Bangalore, India

We have released V 14.27 update of CADPower for BricsCAD (and AutoCAD) which has some cool, new features for instant productivity imrovements.

New Commands Added

CP_FINDHND (CADPower -> Inquiry -> Search entities via handles): The CP_FINDHND command is an investigation tool. Just enter some handle names and this command will search entities matching those handles and highlight them for you.

You can even zoom to the searched handles one by one. Multiple handles can be entered separated by commas and zoomed to one by one.

CP_IMAGEPOLYCLIP (CADPower -> Miscellaneous -> CAD Procedures -> Clip an image along a boundary polygon):

Search Entity Handles

The CP_IMAGEPOLYCLIP command is used to clip an image within a closed polygon or a linear open boundary. The CP_IMAGEPOLYCLIP eliminates the need to use the IMAGECLIP command and tediously enter the polygon coordinates by picking with entity snapping.

If you already have your polygon defined, you can constrain your image within it by accurately clipping it using this command.

For this command to work correctly, the image must be originally unclipped.

CP_IMAGETRIM (CADPower -> Miscellaneous -> CAD Procedures -> Trim an image along a boundary line):

Search Entity Handles, Image Editing and More with CADPower V 14.27 Update

The CP_IMAGETRIM command allows an image to be trimmed along an open boundary edge.

Effectively, it is a tool that will clip and mask off the image that is on the clipping side of the trim boundary.

New command added: CP_LINEEQ (CADPower -> Draw -> Geometry -> Equation of a Line):


The CP_LINEEQ command is for your kids, or for a one-off mathematical task. It plots the equation of a line as per the formula y = mX + b.

You have to specify the values for the constants m and b, the start and end limits for your X values, and an increment value for X.

The equation of the line is plotted as a polyline, and is labeled with a text.

CP_LINE2XLINE (CADPower -> Conversion-> Lines/Polyline/Arc/Splines-> Line 2 XLINE): The CP_LINE2XLINE is a quick tool to define an XLINE along an existing line entity.


The CP_TXTSLIDE command (CADPower -> Text -> Editing -> Slide (move) text relative to its rotation angle) was crashing upon startup. This has been fixed now.

The CP_ETXRUDER command (CADPower -> Build -> Easy solids extruder) was crashing upon startup. This has been fixed now.

Search Entity Handles, Image Editing and More with CADPower V 14.27 Update