GeoTools-CADPower 20.02 : In its first V20 Update, Engineering BOM Adds a Quick Sheet Calculator, Hole-Table Gets a Shot in the Arm

The first major update of GeoTools-CADPower 20.02: Engineering BOM Adds a Quick Sheet Calculator, Hole-Table Gets a Shot in the Arm

Bengaluru, India

A few weeks back, we released the twentieth numbered update of CADPower and GeoTools.

Today, we are pleased to announce the first major update : V 20.02 which brings in small, yet significant improvements to improve your drawing productivity.

CADPower V 20.02 Update

In this update, we focused on drawing rectangular sheets (for fabrication, sheet metal etc.), the Bill of Materials & Quantities tool and created some new tools for you to achieve CAD bliss in small ways.

We have improved the CP_SHAPEMANAGER command. This is found in CADPower -> Miscellaneous -> CAD Procedures -> Second Set -> Shapes Manager and is a tool that was created in response to requests from the fabrication, sheet cut material handling and architectural practices.

The CP_SHAPEMANAGER command is a geometric pattern recognizer and replacement tool.

the first

The new functionality added in this update is the ability to create a table of contents of the selected shapes.

Earlier, it was only possible to recognize the shapes and replace one with another, and display a count on the screen.

The first major update of GeoTools-CADPower 20.02: Engineering BOM Adds a Quick Sheet Calculator, Hole-Table Gets a Shot in the Arm
The CP_SHAPEMAGER table drawn in the ZWCAD version of CADPower

The ability to create a table also makes it easy to export the same to Excel as a CSV file.

(Improved): CP_TILEPLACE (CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Place tiles / XY sized panels):

The ‘Corner Picks’ option in the CP_TILEPLACE command has been made more intuitive.

It now goes into a continuous loop until exited and allows multiple XY scaled TILE blocks to be placed at once without having to re-start the command each time.

This enables fast placement of XY scaled blocks.

The first major update of GeoTools-CADPower 20.02: Engineering BOM Adds a Quick Sheet Calculator, Hole-Table Gets a Shot in the Arm

The sizes of the XY block are determined by the corner picks, and rounded off to the nearest value as specified in the dialog box.

(Improved): CP_BOM (CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Create Bill of Materials/Quantities):

The CP_BOM (also runs as CP_TILECOUNT alias) command has been improved. When the ‘Count Scale Factor’ option for quantity calculation is chosen, it is now possible to scan the entire drawing and capture the X & Y scale values of the blocks and add them to the INI file automatically.

By doing so, this eliminates the need to enter the various sizes manually into the INI file. Once the drawing sizes are automatically added in INI file, you now need only to add the description and the cost as necessary.

The first major update of GeoTools-CADPower 20.02: Engineering BOM Adds a Quick Sheet Calculator, Hole-Table Gets a Shot in the Arm

This enhancement complements the latest ‘Corner Pick’ enhancement to the CP_TILEPLACE command which allows placement of the XY tiled blocks.

(Bug Fix): CP_PL_STAT (Menu: CADPower-> Polyline Tools -> Inquiry Statistics -> Compute detailed polyline statistics):

The CP_PL_STAT command has been fixed. While displaying the table of polyline coordinates entry, the last vertex entry of the polyline was missing. 

This has been fixed now and the polyline listing is now complete. The last vertex entry of the polyline is restricted to the point number, X, Y and Z coordinates only, while the remaining vertex entries also includes the segment information like, slope, bearing, length, direction, turn angle etc.

(Bug Fix): CP_MVEDIT (Menu: CADPower-> Polyline-> Vertex Management-> Mulitple Vertex Editor):

The CP_MVEDIT command would crash if a 3d polyline was picked for multiple vertex editing.

This has been fixed now and it works perfectly with 3d polylines also.

(Improved): CP_TXTSPACING: ( CADPower -> Text -> Display -> Adjust spacing of text objects): This command has been improved and now supports ATTDEF objects also to adjust the spacing.

A quick and handy tool for those CAD managers who frequently create multiple blocks with attributes.

(Improved): CP_HOLETABLE: (Menu: CADPower -> Draw -> Rule-Based -> Hole table) :

The CP_HOLETABLE command has been significantly improved. The first major enhancement is that you can now have multiple object types inside your frame.

Earlier, only circle objects were supported. Now, you can have circles, blocks (with or without attributes) and closed polylines and their defining parameters, like center point, diameter, area, attribute values are captured and reported in the hole chart along with their primary XY coordinate parameter.

Rather than write long about what CP_HOLETABLE enhancement can do, I will show you three screens that will give you a complete idea of what this command is now capable of.

The first major update of GeoTools-CADPower 20.02: Engineering BOM Adds a Quick Sheet Calculator, Hole-Table Gets a Shot in the Arm
The main dialog box is updated and simplified TABLE parameters now come from TABLE styles

The first major update of GeoTools-CADPower 20.02: Engineering BOM Adds a Quick Sheet Calculator, Hole-Table Gets a Shot in the Arm

Input for hole-chart creation now can include circles, polygons and blocks,

with or without attributes

The first major update of GeoTools-CADPower 20.02: Engineering BOM Adds a Quick Sheet Calculator, Hole-Table Gets a Shot in the Arm
The output – hole-chart now includes separate tables for circle, block and polygons, each with position information and quantity information.

GeoTools V 20.02 Update

(Bug Fix): GT_PL_STAT (Menu: GeoTools -> Polyline Tools -> Inquiry & Statistics -> Compute detailed polyline statistics):

The GT_PL_STAT command has been fixed. While displaying the table of polyline coordinates entry, the last vertex entry of the polyline was missing. 

This has been fixed now and the polyline listing is now complete. The last vertex entry of the polyline is restricted to the point number, X, Y and Z coordinates only, while the remaining vertex entries also includes the segment information like, slope, bearing, length, direction, turn angle etc.

For BricsCAD in India, Contact DesignSense

CADPower V20 for BricsCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP (Linux/Mac compatible)

CADPower V20 for AutoCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP

GeoTools V20 for BricsCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP (Linux/Mac compatible)

GeoTools V20 for AutoCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP

BricsCAD V19: Trial download

BricsCAD V19 Shape: Free download

BricsCAD Communicator V19: Trial download

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The first major update of GeoTools-CADPower 20.02: Engineering BOM Adds a Quick Sheet Calculator, Hole-Table Gets a Shot in the Arm