GeoTools-CADPower V 16.03 Update

User experience enhanced with GeoTools-CADPower V 16.03 Update

Bengaluru, India

** CADPower V 16.03 Update has been released. What’s New?

More tools have been added to enhance your user experience within BricsCAD.

Improvement: CP_CMDHELP (CADPower -> More Options -> Specific Command Help):

User experience

GeoTools & CADPower are companion products that work in concert.

If you enter the name of a command in one product and if it does not exist, it is searched for in the other product and displayed if it exists there.

This ensures that the user can locate the command in either software and get help from one single place.

Fixed: CP_DELSVP (Menu: CADPower -> Polyline Tools -> Vertex Management -> Delete single vertex polylines): The command was throwing a typo on command line. Fixed now.

The CADPower -> Miscellaneous -> CAD Procedures menu item has been split into two lists for better readability.

User experience enhanced with GeoTools-CADPower V 16.03 Update

The CAD Procedures section is now split as ‘First Set’ and ‘Second Set’

Improved: CP_TILEPLACE (Menu: CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Place tiles / XY sized panels):

User experience enhanced with GeoTools-CADPower V 16.03 Update

The CP_TILEPLACE command now automatically detects and processes island polygons within the main one and the panels are placed accordingly.

New commands have been added in the BOM/BOQ section:


These set of commands are a result of frequent requests from architects for simple tools for calculating wall areas minus areas of windows, doors and other openings.

These commands also produce a quick schedule of windows, doors and areas as Excel data.

CP_BUILDWLALLS: (CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Draw Developed Walls from plan footprint):

User experience enhanced with GeoTools-CADPower V 16.03 Update

The CP_BUILDWALLS command is used to draw a developed elevation view of a set of connected walls from its plan footprint.

The walls are all represented as closed rectangular polylines and numbered sequentially from 1, and placed in an appropriate layer determined by the floor number.

CP_SEGLENHGTSET: (CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Set Height & Length of wall segments):

The CP_SEGLENHGTSET command is used to set the heights of individual walls in a room.

The room footprint is represented by a closed polyline and each wall is a segment of the polyline.

CP_PLACEOPENINGS: (Menu: CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Place Openings):

User experience enhanced with GeoTools-CADPower V 16.03 Update

CADPower defines two blocks for openings: SP_OPENINGS_ELEV and SP_OPENINGS_PLAN.

This is a simple rectangular block that has the following attributes: SILL_HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH (for recesses) & TYPE.

CP_COMPUTEWALLAREAS: (Menu: CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Compute Wall/Openings areas):

User experience enhanced with GeoTools-CADPower V 16.03 Update

The CP_COMPUTEWALLAREAS command takes wall elevations and the window/door/openings and computes a schedule of fixtures, their areas as well as the net area of walls.

Improved: The CP_BOM command (CADPower -> BOM/BOQ Tools -> Create Bill of Materials/Quantities): has been enhanced.

  • A CSV output of computed quantities & cost listing is now automatically generated for ALL the BOM types, including the ‘Count Attribute Value’ method, which was excluded until now.
  • The ‘Random’, ‘Aligned’ and ‘Offset’ placement type prompt which appears as the last prompt during CP_BOM has been removed.

Nearly all users always only use the ‘Aligned’ option and this is now the default. The ‘Offset’ parameter is set within the dialog box. The ‘Random’ option is not relevant and has been removed.

*** GeoTools V 16.03 Update. What’s New?

Improved: GT_SLOPEDISPLAY (GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Color-coded slope display of TIN faces):

The GT_SLOPEDISPLAY command has been enhanced significantly. It now computes slopes in degrees also, in addition to percentage slopes.

It will also create a slope table which lists the slope ranges, their colors and the area under each slope. There is also an option to export the slope table into a CSV file.

Improved: GT_TRIANGULATE: (GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Create TIN (Delauney triangulation):

The GT_TRIANGULATE command has been enhanced significantly:Reporting has been improved.

  • A message now advises users to identify and fix data with identical XY values but differing Z values which can cause a crash. This ensures better performance, predictable results and prevents crashes due to data errors.
  • A bug has been fixed in the ‘Parts’ option that computed the Y interval incorrectly.
  • A bug has been fixed in the ‘All’ option that caused a crash (regression bug introduced in 16.02)

Improved: GT_POINTWEED: (GeoTools -> Drawing Cleanup -> Weed points based on spacing):

The precision values for the search window is now set as per the current linear units precision.

Improved: GT_CMDHELP (GeoTools -> More Options -> Specific Command Help):

GeoTools & CADPower are companion products that work in concert.

If you enter the name of a command in one product and if it does not exist, it is searched for in the other product and displayed if it exists there.

This ensures that the user can locate the command in either software and get help from one single place.

User experience enhanced with GeoTools-CADPower V 16.03 Update