
Are you migrating to a new CAD Platform from AutoCAD?


Since the time Open Design Alliance (ODA), has made Autodesk’s .DWG available to the open forum it has opened opportunity for new software vendors to provide innovative solution on .DWG to the engineering design industry. Now that the industry has plenty options to choose CAD Software including free CAD tools to the professional CAD Platforms which provide AutoCAD compatibility with modern drafting and modelling tools at real affordable price.

Companies which are part of the ODA Community

Autodesk, IntelliCAD, ZWCAD, Bentley Systems, Dassault Systems, Solidworks, Trimble, Bricsys, GstarCAD, Hexagon, Grabert, Graphisoft, Tekla, ESRI, CADmatic & Many More.


Migrations Challenges

Now that there are plenty alternative CAD Platforms for various disciplines be it for the Architectural Engineering, Mechanical, Construction, Manufacturing Electrical Plumbing, Civil design Interior Design industry, they have AutoCAD trained team who face challenges migrating to a new platform, many a times the convenience of new platform can be difficult for a team which is working on tight schedule during which they need familiar keyboard shortcuts mouse right click tools, CAD users appreciate productivity tools which helps them to be more productive not just an AutoCAD alternative platform. After interacting with 1000s of CAD Users, we have bridged the gap by tools which has been helping AutoCAD and alternative CAD Users with 400+ productive tools which help to automate repetitive task and reduce the drafting time substantially it works on AutoCAD / BricsCAD / ZWCAD / ARES Commander.

Solution for Migration AutoCAD to another Platform

CADPower is a pure-productivity tool for the .dwg CAD user. It provides you with over 400+ Lisp routines and tools that you always wanted but found missing. It is designed to super-charge and boost productivity for just any AutoCAD / BricsCAD user. CADPower is designed from user feedback and used today by over 2000+ organizations all over the world.

  • Increased operator efficiency
  • Significant reduction in operator errors
  • Commonly required CAD tasks automated
  • Wide range of functionality – from generic CAD operations to file management, OS interface etc.

CADPower V22 Software for AutoCAD / BricsCAD / ZWCAD / ARES Commander

AutoCAD 2022-2012 & BricsCAD V22-V18 compliant. Also runs on all vertical application add-ons built on them. Pull down, tool bar, ribbons, dialog box and command line interface. Compatible with all other third-party applications.

A beta version of CADPower is now available on the ZWCAD and ARES Commander platforms also!

What CADPower functions includes?

• Advanced Polyline Editing
• Draw, Build and Conversion Tools
• Text Processing
• Enhanced Selection Settings
• Inquiry & Statistics Tools
• Drawing Editing Tools
• Turn your DWG into a Database
• Extended Entity Data Tools

• Drawing Cleanup / QA Tools
• Import / Export Tools
• BOM/BOQ Tools
• Annotation Tools
• Powerful Blocks and Attribute Management
• Quick Abbreviated Commands
• Miscellaneous Tools
• Fully compatible for batch script processing

CADPower FREEWARE – AutoCAD to BricsCAD Migration Tools

The CADPower FREEWARE tools is a set of Migration Assistance Tools for AutoCAD users to migrate to BricsCAD easily.

Enables over a dozen familiar right-click context menu customization and provides equivalent Express tools functionality within BricsCAD.

Free Migration Tool for BricsCAD Commands List.


CADPower FREEWARE – AutoCAD to BricsCAD Migration Tools Examples

  • Right-Click menu shortcut commands.
    •  Select Similar
    • Find
    • Quick Select
    • Options / Setting
  • Polyline & Line Management tools.
    • Add Vertex
    • Delete Vertex
    • Convert to Arc
  • Single Click Purge All Command.
  • Point Style dialog box.
  • Disassociate or Associate Dimensions
  • Update Dimensions
  • Tan-Tan-Tan Circle.
  • Scale list Editor
  • Create text along a curve.
  • Quick Change Case of Text.
  • Text Orient, Make Text Readable.
  • Text Mask
  • Crash File Manager.
  • Burst-Explode Block, Retain Attributes as text.
  • Text Counter.
  • Block Counter.
  • Drawing Setting
    • Crosshair Setting shortcut  
    • Drawing Units Setting Shortcuts
    • .bak File management.
    • Fade Control settings
    • Angle Control.
    • Background Colour settings for Model & Paper space
Useful Download Links
Download Command ListDownload CADPower for BricsCAD
Download CADPower for AutoCAD Download CADPower for ZW CAD

Command List of CADPower Full Version

“Super-charging CAD Platforms with productivity boosting tools since 1999”

 Polyline Tools


 CP _3DJ                       Join 3D Polylines
 CP _PLJOIN                  Automated Join – 2D polylines

Change 2d>3d>2d

 CP_CH2D3D                 2D-to-3D
 CP_CH3D2D                 3D-to-2D

Vertex Management

 CP_DELVX                   Delete Vertex
 CP_INSVX                    Insert Vertex
 CP_DENSIFY                Densify vertices

 CP_REM_LINVERTS      Weed (remove) collinear vertices from polyline

 CP_PL_PLACE              Place Points/Blocks along vertices

 CP_FIXCLOSED            Add / Remove redundant closing vertex in polylines

 CP_DELSVP                 Delete single vertex polylines

 CP_MVEDIT                 Multiple Vertex Editor
 CP_NEWSTART            Specify a new start point for closed polylines
 CP_TWEAKPOLY          Tweak polyline vertex

Part Editing

 CP_PARTEXTRACT        Extract part of a polyline
 CP_PARTCOPY             Copy(and move) part of a polyline
 CP_PARTOFFSET          Offset part of a polyline
 CP_PARTSTRETCH        Stretch part of a polyline
 CP_PARTMIRROR         Mirror part of a polyline
 CP_PARTROTATE         Rotate part of a polyline
 CP_PARTRESHAPE        Reshape part of a polyline

Inquiry & Statistics

 CP_PL_STAT                Compute detailed polyline statistics
 CP_LAYERAREA            Compute summed polyline areas from selected


 CP_LENGTH                 Compute lengths
 CP_CALCAREA             Compute summed areas of closed polylines
 CP_BULGE                    Display info. about polyline bulge (arc segments)
 CP_FINDHND               Search entities via handles

 CP_MEASURE2POINTS       Measure distance between two points on curve

More Editing

 CP_XV                         Express Pedit
 CP_MPEDIT                 Multiple Pedit
 CP_CHW                     Change Widths
 CP_XP_WPL                 Explode Polylines with width
 CP_SEGLENSET            Specify segment lengths in polylines
 CP_SEGDEL                  Delete a single segment from polyline


 CP_FLIP                       Flip (Reverse) direction
 CP_PLARCMIRROR      Flip (mirror) arc segments of polylines


 CP_FILLETPOLY           Enhanced fillet command
 CP_MFILLET                Fillet multiple polylines


 CP_INOUTOFFSET       Offset closed polylines INwards/OUTwards
 CP_XPSPL                    Explode Splined
 CP_FLOW_LT               Control polyline linetypes
 CP_ZPOLY                   Zoom to Polyline
 CP_FIXUCS                  Fix line/polylines with different UCS
 CP_LINPOLY                Draw linear polylines from arced polylines
 CP_POLYGETZ             Acquire Neighboring polyline elevations



 CP_PLARC2PL              Convert Arc Polylines to linear segment polyline
 CP_PLINE2ARC            Convert linear polylines to arcs/arced polylines
 CP_LINE2PL                 Convert lines and arcs to polylines
 CP_SPL2PL                   Convert Splines to polylines
 CP_PL2SPL                   Convert polylines to SPLINE
 CP_LINE2XLINE            Line 2 XLINE


 CP_PL23DFACE            Convert polylines to 3dface
 CP_PL2PFACE               Convert polylines to PFACE
 CP_3DF2PL                  3DFaces to polylines
 CP_3DF2PFACE            3DFaces to polyface mesh
 CP_PFACE2PL               Polyface mesh to polylines

More conversion

 CP_BLKSHP2P              Convert Blocks/Shapes/Text/Circle to Points
 CP_P2BLKSHP              Convert Points/Text/Circles to Blocks/Shapes
 CP_0LEN2PNT              Convert 0 Lengths to POINTs
 CP_ATT2XD                 Attributes to Xdata
 CP_Ellipse2CL              Ellipses to Circles

Polyline Types

 CP_CH_H2L                 Heavy-Weight to Light-Weight
 CP_CH_L2H                 Light-Weight to Heavy-Weight

 CP_SCALE_Z                Scale Z values
 CP_BL2BE                    Change Properties ByLayer-to-ByEntity
 CP_FLATTEN                Flatten – Convert to 0.0 elevation
 CP_UNITCONV             Units change


 CP_IMPEX                    Import/Export points and lines
 CP_CSVEXPORT            Export columns of text into CSV format

 CP_MULTEXPORT         Multiple drawing export in various formats
 CP_3DF2DM                 Export 3dface objects into SMS 2DM file format
 CP_IMPORT2DM           Import 2DM files as 3dface objects



 CP_CREATETAPER        Tapered lines
 CP_SLOT                      Slot
 CP_HELIX                    Helix
 CP_PARABOLA             Parabola
 CP_INVOLUTE              Involute
 CP_TUBE                     Tube
 CP_TRUNCCONE         Truncated Cone
 CP_PERP                      Perpendicular lines
 CP_DBOX                     Draw Rectangle with diagonals
 CP_XLINES                   Projected(construction) lines
 CP_TANCURVE            Tangents to Curves
 CP_LINEEQ                  Equation of a Line
 CP_CGRID                   Construction Grid
 CP_RECTLB                 Draw Rectangle with dimensions

CAD Objects

 CP_EASY3DPOINT        Easy 3dpoint
 CP_EASY3DPOLY          Easy 3dpolyline
 CP_EASY3DFACE          Easy 3dface


 CP_ROUGHEN              Roughen a Line
 CP_PATTERNPLACER    Place a pattern at regular spacing


 CP_DRAWPOLYINCDEC       Draw 3d polylines with auto.Elev increment /decrement

 CP_BOXSCREEN           Draw a rectangle box at the current screen extents
 CP_BOUNDENT            Draw bounding box around selected object(s)
 CP_SORTEDPOLY         Draw a polyline by joining points in sorted order
 CP_SHOWPLARCS        Draw arc-ends to arc-center connections in arcs & poly-arcs

 CP_HOLETABLE            Draw Hole table
 CP_CAM_Profile            Draw CAM Profile

 CP_POLYAREACREATE     Draw closed polylines to an exact area



 CP_MOFFSETR              Multiple Offset – Relative
 CP_MOFFSETA              Multiple Offset – Absolute
 CP_OFFSET                  Offset and delete original
 CP_3DOFFSET              Offset 3d polylines
 CP_SEGOFFSET            Offset single segment from polyline
 CP_MVOFFSET             Multiple Variable polyline segment offset
 CP_BOUNDARY           Create a boundary (closed polygon) around a point  

CP_CREATECENT        Create centroid marks inside closed polygons
 CP_MEASUREMANY     Measure multiple objects
 CP_EXTRUDER             Easy Solids Extruder
 CP_JNE                        Join nearest ends of lines, polylines
 CP_CPROT                   Copy and then Rotate
 SCP_MVROT                Move and then Rotate

CADPower Object Data Management

 CP_DATAMAN              Object Data Manager – Create, Edit Data Tables
 CP_ATTACHATA           Attach Object Data
 CP_DETACHDATA         Detach Object Data
 CP_EDITDATA              Edit Object Data
 CP_COPYDATA             Copy Object Data
 CP_LABELDATA            Label CADPower Object Data

 CP_QUERYDATA           Query Object Data
 CP_CPOD_EXPORT       Export Object Data
 CP_CPOD_IMPORT       Import Object Data
 CP_CPOD_TABLEDATA       Create CAD TABLE from object table data

 CP_EXCELQUERY          Query and Insert data from Excel sheet

 CP_CPOD_ATT2OD       Transfer Attributes to Object Table Data


 CP_IDXYZ                    Label points
 CP_VXLABEL                Label polyline vertices
 CP_SEGLABEL              Label polyline segments
 CP_ANGLABEL              Label polyline Angles
 CP_ANNOTATEENDS     Annotate ends of lines/polylines with symbols
 CP_ANNOTPOINTS       Annotate points, based on layer names
 CP_LENTEXT                Create/update length annotation
 CP_AREATEXT              Create/update area annotation

 CP_LEVELIT                 Create Elevation Levels (LEVELIT)

 CP_HNDLABEL             Display object handles as text labels
 CP_MARKLEVELS          Mark levels above-or-below a selected datum
 CP_AUTOPOLYLABEL    Pick and create enclosing closed boundary area annotation Blocks


 CP_MOD_SHBL                       Globally Modify Block Properties
 CP_BLKMAN                           Block Names Editor
 CP_REPBLK                            Replace Block
 CP_XP_ATT (BURST)              Explode Block- Retain attributes as Text
 CP_COMPAREBLKATTS           Compare Block attributes and create report
 CP_CONNECTBLOCKS            Connect blocks based on attribute values
 CP_MREDEFINE                      Multiple Redefine Blocks-Lyr/Clr
 CP_EXPLODENESTED             Explode only nested blocks
 CP_EXPLODE2LAYER              Explode blocks to a specified layer
 CP_DRAWSEGBLOCKS           Place a block along each segment of the polyline
 CP_MBLKTRIM                       Trim lines/polylines along intersecting blocks
 CP_BLOCKINS                        Express Block Insert
 CP_REPEATBLK                      Repeat Last Block Insert
 CP_BO                                   Select and export Block to DWG
 CP_BI                                    Select and import Block from DWG
 CP_BLKSLIDE                         Slide (move) block relative to its rotation angle
 CP_BLKS2DWG                      Export multiple blocks to DWG
 CP_BCOUNT                          Count occurrence of block insert objects
 CP_SCLEDIT                          Interactive XY scale editor
 CP_SCLFLIP                           Interactive XY Scale Flip
 CP_INSSIMILAR                     Insert similar named blocks
 CP_ANONYMOUSBLK           Convert to anonymous block
 CP_ NCOPY                           Nested Block copy


 CP_ATTEDIT                          Global Attribute Editor
 CP_EASYATT                          Multiple-Choice attribute editor
 CP_EASYATT_SETUP              Multiple-Choice attribute editor Setup
 CP_EASYATTCLASS                Change block layers/color based on attribute


 CP_ATTEXT                            Extract Block attributes to file
 CP_PROP2ATT                       Transfer AutoCAD properties to Blocks attributes

 CP_TAGEXT                           Export Block Attribute Tags to ASCII file     
 CP_TAGREN                          Rename block attribute tags, prompts and defaults

 CP_TAGDEL                           Delete block attribute tags from block definition
 CP_ATTMOVE                         Move attribute
 CP_ATTROTATE                     Rotate attribute
 CP_ATTUPRIGHT                    Make attribute readable
 CP_ATTXFER                          Transfer Attributes between blocks
 CP_TXT2ATT                          Transfer Text strings to Block attributes
 CP_ATTREORDER                   Re-order attributes in a block
 CP_ATTOUT                           Export attributes

 CP_ ATTIN                             Import attributes

 CP_ZOOMTXT                      Search and replace text/attributes
 CP_BLKEDIT                          Edit blocks graphics and attribute properties


 CP_DYNATTPLACE                 Place Block – position attributes interactively
 CP_SRCHBLK4TXT                  Search Blocks for text strings
 CP_ATT2PROP                        Transfer Block Attributes to CAD properties

 Text Creation

 CP_TC                                   Draw Quick Text (running numbers)
 CP_CURVETEXT                    Create text along a curve
 CP_EASYTEXT                       Create text aligned to a curve
 CP_DATESTAMP                    Create Date/Drawing Stamp
 CP_MT                                  Draw Multiple Text


 CP_MODTXT                          Globally modify TEXT/MTEXT
 CP_TXTFILTER                       Text Filter
 CP_TXTROUND                      Round Off Numeric text
 CP_ENCLOSE                          Enclose Text in Box
 CP_CONS_TXT                       Consolidate Text into MText
 CP_CONS_QMTXT                  Consolidate Text into MText (quick version)

CP_SPLITTEXT                    Split long text strings into individual strings
 CP_UNCLUTTER                    Unclutter text objects
 CP_TXTSLIDE                        Slide (move) text relative to its rotation angle
 CP_TXT2FILE                         Write Text to File
 CP_TXTEDIT                          Global Multiple Text Editor


 CP_TXT2ATTDEF                    Convert text strings to attribute definitions
 CP_ATTDEF2TXT                    Convert attribute definitions to text objects
 CP_CHCASE                           Change Case


 CP_ALIGNTEXT                      Align Text Objects
 CP_ALIGNTEXT2LINE             Align Text Objects to a line
 CP_TXTSPACING                    Adjust the spacing between text objects
 CP_TXTCHANGE                    Exchange one text with another
 CP_TORIENT                          Text Orient: Make Text, MText readable
 CP_UND_LINE                        Underline Text
 CP_TEXTMASK                       TextMask – Hide underneath
 CP_TCOUNT                           Count occurrence of text objects

 CP_TXTEVAL                          Apply arithmetic/statistical operations on text objects

 CP_DWGFONTS                     List Drawing Fonts

 Extended Entity Data

 CP_REMXD                             Remove Xdata
 CP_XD_RENAMEAPP               Rename XDATA application name
 CP_XD_SEARCH                     Search and replace extended entity data
 CP_SHOWXD                          Display extended entity data from picked object
 CP_XD_EXTRACT                   Extract extended entity data to ASCII files
 CP_OD_XD_LABEL                  Create text labels from Object data / extended entity data

 CP_NODATA                           Check for no Xdata / Object Data
 CP_EASYEED                          Edit XDATA in a dialog box

 BOM/BOQ Tools

 CP_BOM                               BOM/BOQ Generator

 CP_TILEPLACE                       Place panels/tiles
 CP_TILEOFFSET                     Offset tiles / XY panels
 CP_TILECOUNT                     Count tiles / XY panels
 CP_TILEEDIT                         Edit tiles / XY panels
 CP_SCLEDIT                          Interactive (re)scale panels/tiles

 CP_BUILDWALLS                    Build Walls from plan footprint
 CP_SEGLENHGTSET                Set Height/Length of wall segments
 CP_PLACEFIXTURES               Place openings/fixtures on walls/floors
 CP_COMPUTEWALLAREAS       Compute Wall/Openings areas

 CP_LINEQTY                          Compute linear quantities

 CP_BARMAN                           The (re)Bar Manager

Parts Management

 CP_PARTASSIGN                    Assign part names
 CP_PARTUNASSIGN                Un-Assign part names
 CP_PARTLABEL                      Label part names
 CP_PARTCOUNT                     Count part names

Parts Management

 CP_ SHEETCUTTER                 Rectangular Sheet Cutter
 CP_ SHEETCUTTERARBITRARY     Arbitrary sized Sheet Cutter
 CP_ PIECEMAKER                    Cut a linear item into pieces
 CP_ POLYSLIDE                      Copy and offset panels with gaps
 CP_MVEDIT                           Dynamic and precise polygon editing


 CP_VPEXTRACT                      Extract clipping boundary
 CP_VPBNDRYUPDATE             Update clipping boundary
 CP_LOCKVPORTS                   Lock/unlock paper-space viewports

 CP_LOCKVPCURLAYOUT         Lock All Viewports in current layout
 CP_UNLOCKVPCURLAYOUT     UnLock All Viewports in current layout
 CP_VPMAX                             Maximize viewport
 CP_VPMAXRESTORE               Restore original view setup after running VPMAX


File Management

 CP_FILEMAN                          File Manager
 CP_DWGBROWSER                DWG browser, with thumbnail previews
 CP_BINDXREF                        Detaches all un-referenced XREFs and binds all others into current DWG

 CP_BATCHPROCESS               Batch process multiple drawings with scripts
 CP_MULTINS                          Multiple DWG Inserts
 CP_MXREF                             Multiple drawings XREF
 CP_READEXIF                        View/Extract EXIF from images

 CP_INIEDITOR                       Edit CADPower INI files
 CP_CSVEDITOR                      Edit CSV files
 CP_ MOVEBAK                        Move .bak files to a folder
 CP_RECOVERYMANAGER       Drawing Recovery Manager


 CP_LYRS2DWG                       Layers to DWG
 CP_DWGSPLIT                       Split a drawing into smaller parts
 CP_FILEESORT                       Sort ASCII files

CAD Procedures

First Set

 CP_MATCH                             Match Properties
 CP_OBJALIGN                        Align Objects
 CP_XYZSCL                            Scale objects (unequally) in X, Y and Z directions
 CP_MEANPOINT                    Create a mean (averaged) point from a cluster of points

 CP_FLIPZ                               Flip (reverse) elevations(Z) from selected objects
 CP_ROUNDOFF                     Round Off Values from points/lines
 CP_XTRACT                           Extract (single entity) from XREF
 CP_XTRACTXREFLAYERDLG              Extract Layer(s) from multiple XREFs
 CP_XP_RETDAT                      Explode objects – Retain Object Table and extended entity data

 CP_HATCHAREA                     Report on areas covered by HATCH objects
 CP_FLIPARCS                         Flip ECS of arcs with negative normal
 CP_VISIBLE                           Change object visibility
 CP_DIMPREC                          Change Dimension Precision
 CP_HATCHBOUND                 Re-Create Hatch boundaries from HATCH object

 CP_HATCHINSVX                   Insert vertex in hatch boundary
 CP_HATCHDELVX                   Delete vertex from hatch boundary
 CP_PROXYREMOVER             Remover proxy references from entities

Second Set

 CP_CHOP                               Object Chopper
 CP_AUTODIM                         Automatic Dimensioning
 CP_FACENORMAL                  Control 3dface Face Normals
 CP_CONTBREAK                     Break (Split) objects along a polyline
 CP_ZOOMENT                        Zoom to extent of selected object(s) (with 5% margin)

 CP_DELETELAYOUTS                Delete paper-space layouts
 CP_NULLTEXT                        Delete Null TEXT
 CP_PURGEALL                        Purge All Unused Symbols
 CP_SCALECLEAN                    Remove all unreferenced scales
 CP_REPURL                            Search / Replace attached URL
 CP_POLYCLIP                         Clip an image along a boundary polygon
 CP_IMAGETRIM                      Trim an image along a boundary line
 CP_SHAPEMANAGER               Analyze and manage geometric shapes
 CP_LINEPLANEINT                 Determine the intersection of line and plane
 CP_DIVPOLY                          Divide a 3/4 sided polygon
 CP_JOINCOLLINEAR                 Join collinear lines & polylines
 CP_DWGAUDIT                      Perform drawing audit and clean-up
 CP_WIPEOUT                         Create a WIPEOUT buffer around closed polygons
 CP_WBLOCKBC                      Wblock and preserve AutoCAD Map objects
 CP_SHAPEMANAGER               Shape manager


 CP_PLFILTER                         Polylines based on properties
 CP_3DFFILTER                       3DFaces based on properties
 CP_ESELECT                          Enhanced Entity Selector
 CP_MAKESEL                        Build Selection Set
 CP_FILTER                             Object Selection FILTER

 CP_FINDZRNG                        Find objects in selected Z range
 CP_FINDENCLOSED                Find points enclosed within 3dface space
 CP_SL                                    Select Current Layer
 CP_SS                                    Select Current Style
 CP_LASTSEL                           Put last CADPower selection in ‘previous’ sel.set


 CP_SURFAREA                        Compute Surface Area of 3DFACEs
 CP_ANGLE                              Display angle between two lines
 CP_CGRAV                             Compute Center of Gravity
 CP_DWG_STAT                      Display Drawing Statistics
 CP_PERIMTR                          Compute running distance/perimeter
 CP_VISIT                               Object Selection Browser
 CP_QUERY                             Quick elevation Info
 CP_DXY                                 Enhanced DIST command
 CP_ISLANDAREA                  Compute Island Areas


 CP_LAYERMAN                      Layer Names Editor
 CP_ISOD                                Isolate layer(s)
 CP_RESTORE                         Restore Isolated layer(s)
 CP_SL_1                                Save Layer State – 1
 CP_SL_2                                Save Layer State – 2
 CP_SL_3                                Save Layer State – 3
 CP_RL_1                                Restore Layer State – 1
 CP_RL_2                                Restore Layer State – 2
 CP_RL_3                                Restore Layer State – 3
 CP_CCL                                 Change to current layer
 CP_CPCL                               Copy to current layer
 CP_COPYLYR                         Copy layer contents to another layer


 CP_GENSET                            Settings…

 More Options

 CP_DEFMACROS                     Load CADPower command macros

 CP_APPLOAD                         Load applications

 CP_LOAD                               Load CADPower

 CP_UNLOAD                           Unload CADPower

 CP_REGRESET                        Reset command defaults in registry

 CP_CMDSEARCH                    Search GeoTools/CADPower commands

 CP_CMDLIST                          List GeoTools/CADPower commands

 CP_ABOUT                             About CADPower…

 CP_README                           Readme and Installation


 CP_CHECKUPDATES               Check for CADPower updates

 CP_ACTIVATELICENSE            Activate CADPower license
 CP_DEBUGINFO                     Display debug info

 CP_SHOWPATHS                    Show System and DWG Paths

 CP_MAINTENANCE                Maintenance/Housekeeping

 CP_BRICSYSTV                      Bricsys TV

 CP_ORDER                             Ordering Info…
 CP_VIDEOS                            CADPower Videos

 CP_HELP                                Display help about CADPower

 FREEWARE-By-CADPower (BricsCAD Only)

 CP_NCOPY                             Nested Copy
 CP_FILTER                             Search and replace extended entity data
 CP_TORIENT                          Text Orient, Make text readable
 CP_CHCASEQUICK                Quick Change Case command
 CP_CURVETEXT                     Create text along a curve

 CP_TEXTMASK                       Hide underneath

Hatch Patterns Management

 CP_HATCHINSVX                   Insert vertex in hatch boundary
 CP_HATCHDELVX                   Delete vertex from hatch boundary

Viewports Management

 CP_LOCKVPORTS                   Lock/unlock all viewports in selected layout(s)
 CP_LOCKVPCURLAYOUT         Lock all viewports in current layout
 CP_UNLOCKVPCURLAYOUT     Unlock all viewports in current layout
 CP_VPMAX                             Maximize viewport
 CP_VPMAXRESTORE               Restore paper-space view after CP_VPMAX

Save / Recovery / .BAKup

 CP_MOVEBAK                         Move .BAK files to a folder
 CP_RECOVERYMANAGER         Drawing Crash recovery Manager
 CP_CRASHREPORTMGR           Crash report file manager
 CP_WBLOCKBC                      WBLOCK and save AutoCAD Map Data


 BURST                                   Explode blocks, retain attributes as text
 TJ                                          TJ-Text Justify
 CP_TCOUNT                           Text Count, # of times
 BCOUNT                                Count number of block insert objects
 EXTRIM                                 Trim everything outside
 REDRAW                                B-R-I-C-S-C-A-D Support

 DDPSTYLE                             Point Style Dialog
 CP_DIMPREC                         Change Dimension Precision
 CP_SHOWPATHS                    Show system & DWG paths
 CP_DWGSET                          Drawing Settings
 CP_PROXYREMOVER              Remove proxy references from entities
 CP_APPLOAD                         Load applications


 CP_SUPPORTTV                     Display BricsCAD support related videos
 CP_MAINTENANCE                 Quick tool to perform support-maintenance
 CP_DWGSET                          Drawing Settings
 CP_SHOWPATHS                    Show System and DWG paths Quick browse Windows and CAD system paths

 CP_UPDATESUPPORT             Update Hatch Patterns and/or Fonts

 CP_CRASHREPORTMGR          Analyze & extract time-wise crash reports

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